Tagged 'orthographic'

VRay Orthographic Rendering Camera Rig

68 votes

Simple VRay camera rig to produce orthographic renderings.

  • Front, Right, Left, and Rear Camera positions
  • Adjustable Rig - X, Y, Z, radius
  • Adjustable Camera Settings to fit object in VFB
  • Test Render button for preview

Auto Snap Mode

3 votes

This is a simple (free) script that detects viewport changes. It will automatically set the current snap mode to 3D snaps when the current viewport is perspective, camera, etc; it will switch to either 2D/2.5D if the current viewport is set to standard orthographic projections.

The function only changes the current snap mode if:

1: Snaps are On
2: Either the target snap mode is 2/2.5 and the current snap mode is 3D OR the target snap mode is 3D and it isn't currently set to 3D. (In other words, for top/left/front the mode won't change if it is 2 or 2.5--it uses the current 2 or 2.5.)

Viewport Snap

2 votes

Viewport snap scripts snaps to the orthographic viewport that's closest to the current orthographic, perspective or camera view. It also frames current selection to fit into new view. If viewport that is snaps to is closest to the bottom or top orthographic views script will also try to detect the orientation of the current view and orient new view correctly.

This script is meant to replace repetitive task of switching to the top, side, bottom etc. views while modeling.