Tagged 'random'

All in one Randomizer - QRandom

2 votes

QRandom is an all in one random tool. Please see the UI to know its functionality. Thank you for using my script. Hope if this help your work. Love to see your comments and feedback.

AutoFloor UVs

0 votes

AutoFloor UVs it's the perfect tool when you're dealing with a single seamless Texture and you need to map a Floor-Generator object.



1 vote

Box Generator

3 votes

a script to automatically create boxes in random locations, rotation, and size. Hey, I think its cool.

Chunk Generator

11 votes

a script i wrote to create randomly generated Ice chunks for a job that I was working on. It still has the modifier stack and is totally changeable.

Color Range

0 votes

Submitted twice. Original post:

Any knowledge on how to delete this post would be greatly appreciated.

Function Collection

12 votes

I figured since i got a huge number of functions flying around on my drives that i'd put the most useful into a struct and put it online somewhere so people who might need something don't have to reinvent the wheel.
More comments are to be added later
have phun


26 votes

Randomly transform move, rotation, and scale on any number of objects or groups.

This one is base on Neil Blevins RandomTransform.ms

Height Colorizer

14 votes

Originally created for a request on the ScriptSpot forums: http://www.scriptspot.com/forums/3ds-max/scripts-wanted/material-id-percentage-by-height-like-beiging-watercube-auditorium. The script will take every object selected and assign a wirecolor depending on the item's height relative to the total selection height.


Running the script will create a rollout with a few options:

HoHa Material ID

3 votes

Just another small script to add "Material" modifiers on top of the sellections to assign random or in order material ID. Apply multi subobject material to the selection first.

Comment and feedback are welcome.


Change Log:

V1: Basic as above.

V1.1: Added a random IDs button for making the IDs Random (duh) :)


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