Tagged 'random'

Height Colorizer

14 votes

Originally created for a request on the ScriptSpot forums: http://www.scriptspot.com/forums/3ds-max/scripts-wanted/material-id-percentage-by-height-like-beiging-watercube-auditorium. The script will take every object selected and assign a wirecolor depending on the item's height relative to the total selection height.


Running the script will create a rollout with a few options:

Spline Scatter

12 votes

Poly Random ID

16 votes


This is just a modification of Jon Seagull's script to randomize poly IDs on an editably poly, but you can choose the number of adjacent polygons it randomizes. Meaning, that it can randomize groups of polygons and not just single polygons. Very useful with polys with lots of similar elements, like Ivy Generator and trees, in which you randomize the elements to have different kinds of leaves.


Hope you find it as useful as I did




Material randomizer

15 votes

With this script you can randomize materials over selected objects, you can also temporary store aranged materials to three memory slots.

- picking materials from material/map browser
- 2click on material to delete it
- shift+click on store button to store material list
- click on store button to restore material list


26 votes

Randomly transform move, rotation, and scale on any number of objects or groups.

This one is base on Neil Blevins RandomTransform.ms


75 votes

This script is for making things random....like you have a 100 of same boxes and you dont want them to be the same :D.
You select all of them and enter your values hit Randomize! and that is it.
You can also add random noise animations!


Progress on :

Chunk Generator

11 votes

a script i wrote to create randomly generated Ice chunks for a job that I was working on. It still has the modifier stack and is totally changeable.

Box Generator

3 votes

a script to automatically create boxes in random locations, rotation, and size. Hey, I think its cool.


4 votes

"Juggler is a utility script for Max 6 that randomizes different aspects of any object. It can randomize position - rotation - and scale attributes - as well as - object/wire color and the application of materials."


8 votes

Randomly swaps the positions (but not rotation) of selected objects. I use it to save time populating parking lots - by creating groups of identical cars - then running shuffle to get the random distribution.

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