Tagged 'max'


538 votes




201 votes

This is a little tool to get the scripspot rss feed directly in max, displayed on the viewport. It of course only shows max related stuff, updates every 7 minutes and thats about it for descriptions.
have phun

3DS Max Hot Box

201 votes

After being inspired by the video I saw of a Max hot box here on Script Spot I decided to work on my own. So here is the first version, its only a beta so some bugs or problems are to be expected. I am giving it out early as I want to get as much feedback as possible  I am currently debating whether to follow the Maya route or do something a bit different. 

Subdivision Reversion

106 votes

Subdivision Reversion will recreate the subdivision levels of an already subdivided mesh with 100% precision maintaining the UVs.
It's wide variety of subdision algoritms help artist get the right look and feel on their models.


97 votes

Create procedural tentacle animation with one click. Select the parent bone, generate the script and have fun.

video demonstration***not updated

***Loop function added (thanks Zoran for the idea) 21.04.09
***Bug fix for 64bitVersions
reverse animation option 17.02.09
***Installer update


77 votes








Additional info:










Batch Loader

75 votes

Quick Merge/Import multiple files.

UI v.1.7


  • Merge multiple .MAX files
  • Import multiple .* files (ie all that can be imported)!
  • Log all files where failed to load to Listener (if any)
  • Multiple history for recent used paths available
  • Limit count of recent paths to keep in history added
  • Group option available
  • Layer option available
  • Attach option available
  • "Auto" option (if is checked no prompt for Merge/Import) *

Skip Every N-th

61 votes

Skip every vert/edge/face. In Loop mode, you can skip edges and polygons. In Ring mode you can skip vertices,edges and polygons. To make poly loop select 3 faces(the middle one is starting face), check PolyLoop checkbox, set "Skip V-E-P" spinner to value greater then 2 and start skiping. You can't skip one face, only 2 or more. Ring mode does not have this limitation. "For Steps" spinner works only with edges. If you want to skip every 2 edges five times, set "Skip" spinner to 2 and "For Steps" spinner to 5. Instalation: Drag-n-drop SkipEveryNthVEPRingLoop.mzp to 3ds max.

smart menu

42 votes

another script for today :)
this script scans a folder on your PC and creates a menu in 3dsmax's interface with all scripts it finds there (you must specify the path to scan in the script by yourself). all you need to do with your new script is to place it in that folder, and you will be able to access it in 3dsmax interface. no macroscripts support.


39 votes

A set of functions wrapped into a minimalist single-click button to help 3ds Max and Nuke artists to bring the 3ds Max 3d scene assets into Nuke's powerful 3d compositing scene.

This tool allows:

1) Copy cameras and any other objects (as points) and their animation into clipboard for an easy Copy+Paste action inside Nuke.

2) Generate .chan files from selected cameras and any other objects (as points) and save them either many at once or one at a time to selected destination.

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