Tagged '3ds max'

Python in 3D Studio Max, Maya and Blender - examples

1 vote


I've recently created 3 scripts that create (almost) the same scene in 3 different applications (Maya, Max and Blender). They are intended to serve as a source of code snippets for future projects and examples of how to do stuff in those applications - something like Blender's cookbook.

Rig / Animate tanks

1 vote

Hi everyone,

"Gearing" is a 3ds Max script, helpful by rigging and animating of tanks, excavators, dredges etc.
The new version supports automatic path following, acceleration / deceleration.
The script is commercial. I intend to add a demo to the new edition, however the 1 st version comes with a limited demo.
The next two tutorials introduce the script's basics.
If you take interest in this area you may watch them at:
1. (1 st version) http://youtu.be/LzhH0fY1Y0Q
2. (2 nd version) http://youtu.be/VPFjEXvReF4

Thanks for watching!

3DS Max extract 2D sections from 3D objects

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Here we learn how to use the section tool found in the Shapes category to create 2D sections out of 3D objects and export them to other programs like Autocad.

3DS Max Rotate And Scale Using Snap

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In this video, we will learn how to use Snap to Rotate and Scale objects,
Using any point in the scene.

3DS Max Copy With Reference Point Like In AutoCad

1 vote

In this tutorial, we'll learn how to copy objects using reference points on
other objects, so that the copies will respect the same distance and orientation. If you're an AutoCAD user you already know how to do this operation in AutoCad.

3DS Max - Group tool is not available - Grayed out - Solved

0 votes

In this short video, we'll see why the Group tool, sometimes, becomes grayed out and not available. The reason for that is the presence of opened group among the selected objects.

3DS Max - Accurate Display Of Procedural Maps - Solved

2 votes

In this video, we will solve the problem of procedural maps display,

3DS Max - Easy Modeling - FreeForm Geometry

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In this video, we will learn a quick and flexible technique for modeling freeform shapes. We will use a Surface modifier, Shell modifier, and Turbosmooth for that purpose. You can use this approach to model a wide range of geometries like roads going up and down, ribbons, etc,...

3DS Max - Scene States - Multiple Rendering Scenarios In One Scene

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In this video, you will learn how to create different scene states for different rendering scenarios without having to save multiple Max files. After creating those states you can toggle between them in one click.

3DS Max - Create A Custom Construction Plane

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In this video, we will see how we can create our own construction plane,
close to the UCS thing in AutoCad. We will learn also how we can place a construction plane on top of a specific face so that this face's orientation will be the custom construction plane's orientation. In the end, will we learn how we can use this custom grid as a handy modeling aid in complex geometry. Also in this last section, we will deal with the problem when you try to use the Auto Grid on a Polygon that shares the same smoothing group with an adjacent face.

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