Tagged 'Color'


83 votes


This tool converts 2D sprites into 3D in seconds.

Frodo's Magic Scripts Pack

74 votes


this is a small package of my latest scripts, i hope you'll find them usefull.

Camera lister - usefull for fast navigation and selection of scene cameras
Autobackup check - you'll never forget to turn autoback on
Speed meter - measures speed of selected object
Grider - slices object by grid
Center & Reset - resets xform and centers pivot
Aligh spline to Z - flattens spline in Z direction
Object ID - assigns random g-buffer ID to whole scene


71 votes

This tool will change the color of bones based on their squash/stretch amount, providing the user with feedback if they have gone beyond a desired threshold. It will live update as you move around and animate in the viewport.

GrabViewport 2.1

56 votes

FOR THE LATEST VERSION PLEASE GO HERE http://www.scriptspot.com/3ds-max/scripts/grabviewport-0

DarkScintilla: Maxscript Editor dark scheme

42 votes

A dark color scheme for the Maxscript Editor, inspired by dark schemes available for other IDEs

As i was doing more and more max scripting lately, the urge to do something with the eye hurting Maxscript Editor colors escalated. So i sat down today and had a walkthrough on the various options Scintilla (Maxscript Editors core) provides.


Wirecolor Toolbox

40 votes

Simple toolbox for working with wirecolors based on various criteria including material diffuse color, average texture color and filters for node names and classes (for nodes wildcards and hierarchies are supported and encouraged).

Random Wire Color Tools

37 votes

Wire Colour Tools is a simple script for setting random wire colours to all of the objects in the scene. Anyone who does allot of post work either in PS or a compositing package should find this script useful. Being able to adjust any element or of your project in post by the object enables you to get the most of your image, rendering Wire Colour passes is very simple and inexpensive from render time point of view.


33 votes

Custom viewport backgrounds just the way you want them.

• Create your own custom gradients; no images needed.

• Loads automatically at startup and with each new file.

• Great for office/studio workflows: Doesn't save the BG image to the file, so you won't get missing asset warnings.

• Comes with presets for Mudbox, Zbrush, Modo, and Maya

Contrastive Wire Color

32 votes

Just make your objects more readable in the viewport.
Yes, this is NOT a random color generator!
The utility adjust RGB channels of objects wirecolor.
The purpose is clear (I hope).

ACP (Alternate Color Picker) and colorPalette

29 votes

An alternate color picker and color palette manager. So far only a photoshop style color picker is implemented - other types are planned for the future.

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