Tagged 'autodesk'

3DS Max - Clone And Align

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In this tutorial, we will learn about a very useful tool called Clone And Align.
This tool will let you distribute one or more objects called the Source Objects on to one or more objects called Destination objects. This tool offers many features that allow you to customize the way the distribution should take place.

3DS Max - Compound Objects - Connect

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In this tutorial, we will learn about a very useful compound object called Connect. This compound object will connect/bridge between holes in different objects. We will learn about its main parameters, and at the end, we will a quick practical example.

3DS Max - Compound Objects - Loft - Part 2

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In this part 2 of the Loft tutorial, we will check more possibilities with this powerful tool, and we will learn about the Scale graph that you can find in the Deformations rollout.

3DS Max - Compound Objects - Loft - Part 3

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In this video, we will continue with the Loft series, we will see some additional features in the Scale feature, plus we will learn about another feature called Twist.

3DS Max - Compound Objects - Loft -Part 1

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In this tutorial, we will start learning about a very powerful modeling tool in 3DS Max, called Loft, found in the Geometry, Compound Objects section. This tool needs a path and some cross sections, and it contains many powerful features to manipulate and customize the resulting geometry. This is the first video for the Loft tool, and hopefully, as soon as possible, I will make a second one to cover some of the other features of this powerful tool.

3DS Max - Compound Objects - ShapeMerge

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In this tutorial, we will learn about a new Compound Object called ShapeMerge. This object will help you to imprint/Stamp a 2D shape onto a surface, also to cut out the 2D shape from that surface, also, you can invert the cutout operation. This is a useful tool if you like to create a road on a land/landscape or cut out a text, or any other closed shape pattern from a surface.

3DS Max - Convert A Procedural Map Into A Regular Texture

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In this tutorial, we will learn how to convert a procedural map into a regular texture map. This is useful when you try to export your model to another software, since those procedural maps belong to Max, and they are generated using an algorithm.

3DS Max - Curve Editor Blank - Fixed

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In this quick tip 3DS Max tutorial, we will see how to fix the blank Curve Editor when we try to open it after selecting an object.

3DS Max - Edit Poly - Different Usage For Animate

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In this tutorial, we will see how we can use the Animate feature in the Edit Poly modifier so that we can, after adding another modifier on top of it, go back and change some of the values of the parameters, like for example, Bevel, Extrude, Inset, etc,...

3DS Max - Group Clone Instance Controller

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In this video, we will see how, when cloning a Group, we can instance the transforms of objects inside the groups. Also, starting from minute 2:08, we will see how we can make the transforms unique again, to avoid issues when, for example, trying to detach an object from a group while its transforms are instanced.

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