Tagged 'Controllers'

Wiggley Stick

15 votes

Applies a spring-like motion on top of existing animation for any object.

Step Bezier

7 votes

Converts selected objects' animation tracks to bezier animation with stepped interpolation between keyframes.


9 votes

Adds user-specified noise to the position track of an object.

Linear Bezier

8 votes

Converts selected objects' animation tracks to bezier animation with linear interpolation between keyframes. Useful for avoiding overshoot in animation.

Audio Animate

4 votes

Creates a spline based on selected objects and animates the spline to an audio file - imitating the audio waveform.


7 votes

Assign TCB Controllers to all Position - Rotation and Scale tracks in the scene (option for selection - see source). Very simple script put together for someone on the MAX Support Forum.


4 votes

Creates a 'billboard' effect for selected objects...applies a scripted controller to the rotation track of an object that emulates a LookAt controller.

Assign Controllers

7 votes

Assign controllers to all selected objects. I only have Euler XYZ in the script. It was such a pain manually assign them to each individual bone. This does it in a click of a button!

setPosKey & setRotKey

2 votes

works just like the create key dialog - just on position or rotation. i wrote these scripts to add to the quad menu - so i don't have to right-click the timeslider and uncheck things in the create key dialog. cuts down on mouse travel - yay wrists!


2 votes

This script allows you to take a selected object and add a lootat controller by dragging to the object you want to attach to

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