Tagged 'MCG'

Voluminance MCG

14 votes

Voluminance calculates the amount of light each vertex receives taking into account the distance traveled inside a mesh. A longer distance traveled inside means more of the light got absorbed resulting in a darker vertex color.

To view the result in the viewport enable the 'VertexColor channel display" in the object's properties dialog. For rendering you can you use the vertexcolor-map to drive material parameters.


14 votes

 Installation: Scripting, Install Max Creation Graph...

Max2017 should work straightaway, for max2016 ensure you have SP3 properly applied then Extension2 (maybe 1 would work too...can't be sure)

FFS...Floor Flux Sake !!! I empower you to take the Red pill or Blue pill....go into the graph and choose your destiny on the far right...Fastest compile time could be a second (Blue pills) or slowest (Red pills), with all functionalities, up to 15 secs !!! But once you've compiled the graph, it should be pretty quick.

VA Mesh Conform

12 votes

VA mesh conform

Well mesh conform is not someting new to 3dsmax but what if it was much more faster and responsive compared to the legacy one with straight forward parameters and options to tweak.

I created this modifier using MCG, it has all sort of options you might want such as:

- Projection direction: world axis or source object normals.

MCG Path Constraint a.k.a IncrCloneOnCurve

12 votes

This MCG constraints your object motion to a path. The motion can be repeated forever beyond the curve.

It can also be used to incrementally clone object along a curve and there is no need to adjust the distance

between the clones and count when length of curve changes.


Ver 1.01.00: You can now use a curve to control scaling of the clones.

MCG Stitches

11 votes

I've decided to make this MCG available for FREE. If you appreciate my effort, you can buy my SweepDreams which works in full 3D here:


Create stitches along a path (multicurves supported). You are welcome to use the free variant Path Constraint but this has a few more controls.

ver 1.01: added Double Stitch option


MCG Mesh Contours

11 votes

What's there to say really...

Installation for Max 2016/17: (2018 can be just drag+drop)


Then can be found in Create>Shapes>Vu.

MCG 32BitPatternMaker

10 votes

This MCG allows you to make tileable geometries. Works on just about anything that has a Tesselate on it.

(The 32Bit refers to 32 Tris you can use to form a pattern. It does not impose restrictions on your software version or op system, you need at least Max 2016 that is...)

Updated Ver 1.01: compacted boxes, added Tile Mode

Ver 1.02: checkboxes are now buttons, also added a few more patterns...check out latest video.


10 votes

Inset Chamfer

9 votes

A pair of modifiers, the InsetBySmoothingGroup mcg modifier will inset mesh polygon groups by their smoothing groups, which helps to keep flat surfaces flat smoothed when chamfered instead of the usual mess. Keep in mind that for it to work, the smoothing groups should not be shared, i.e. no polygons that have both smoothing group 1, 2 etc. set. Note that the smoothing group edge borders are split afterwards, if you don't want that, you need to apply a Vertex Weld modifier.

MCG Ring Dots aka Dot Matrix

9 votes


Creates rings of dots or holes...ie..can be used for speaker patterns, showerheads, brushheads...etc..

Ver 1.01: added Height Offset and ability to use Custom Closed Spline for Stock. This can be used in either Dots or Holes mode.

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