Tagged 'mcg'

Modifier Set Z height from spline

0 votes

My first experiment with MCG. This modifier will stretch an object along its z axis to the length of the selected spline.

KIN Selection modifier tools

1 vote

2 modifier, setselection, invert selection, support soft selection, vertex, edge or poly, can animate.

(note: you need to add edit poly modifier before this 2 modifier.)


Clone Along Path (3dsmax MCG)

2 votes

spline clone is a free tool that can clone the geometry on top of the modifier stack along a picked spline

advantage of this tool is incremental transformation of clones along spline path in addition global transform to each item

Voxelizer (3dsmax MCG)

1 vote

voxelizer is a useful tool for easily voxelize your geometry in 3dsmax

Bitmap Transform Clone (3dsmax MCG)

3 votes

I made a tool for parametric modeling based on bitmap input by 3dsmax MCG graph This graph makes a 2d array from the mesh on top of the modifier stack in the XY plan and applies a grayscale bitmap to it and applies transfer setting to brighter areas of the bitmap given to it.

for better understanding see youtube video

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