Tagged 'gizmo'


71 votes

This tool will change the color of bones based on their squash/stretch amount, providing the user with feedback if they have gone beyond a desired threshold. It will live update as you move around and animate in the viewport.


42 votes

gizmoControl UI screenshot This macroscript (to be found in the "MB Tools" category after executing the .mcr) will allow you to link the transformation of a modifier gizmo to some other scene object. Afterwards, the gizmo will always be fully aligned to that other scene object, which can be freely animated by any kind of controller and linked to any other scene node. In some way this is very similar to World Space Modifiers but it works for any kind of modifier gizmo.

This tool can be very useful for creating complex modifier animations, for example animating a Slice modifier's plane along a path, attaching a UVW Map modfier to some animated helper object, transforming a Displace modifier with some other object, or having an extra node control the- symmety plane of a Symmetry modifier.

Match Transform

8 votes

This script helps you to match the modifier gizmo (UVW, Slice) of selected object to the gizmo of picked object.

Align Slice Modifier Gizmo(Plane) to 3 points

8 votes

The script allows you to pick 3 points in the scene. The slice gizmo of the slice modifier of the selected object will be aligned to the picked points. When you run the script the SNAP will be automatically turned ON.

Modifier Manager

4 votes

With this maxscript tool, you can manage your modifiers
1: you can align gizmo and change gizmo properties on multiple objects
2: you can attach gizmo to an object, so one object can control multiple gizmo on multiple objects with move, scale and rotate
3: you can control all the modifiers options on your object selection.

Fit the UVW Mapping Gizmo

3 votes

Perform Fit gizmo operation on UVW mapping modifier on all selected objects.



  • Written as macro script
  • Optimized measurements
  • Allows UVWmap on any level in the mod-stack
  • Perform Fit operation on all selected objects

Thanks to Borislav "Bobo" Petrov for the nice tutorial:

Geo Spline Helper

-5 votes

This is a geo spline I've create for 3ds max. Right now it displays a pop up dialog when the script is run, from there you can create a geo spline. I'm working on making it a scripted spline plugin. That will allow users to create it similar to when you create a circle or rectangle spline. If anyone knows how to go about doing that feel free to modify the script and then upload here to script spot.
John "Joker" Martini

c & c's are welcome!

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