Tagged 'Characters'


9 votes

Displays a small RGB icon at each bone's pivot point to indicate the local coordinate system; useful for adjusting bone orientations - for example.
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3 votes

Use this script to paste a posture opposite. Use this with the other Hotkey scripts Posture_Temp_Copy


2 votes

Simple human body creator and deformer

Skin Radius Fix

7 votes

A simple little one that sets the inner and outer radius of a skin envelope to a fixed size. Easier than doing it by hand if you've a lot of bones.


4 votes

Hides your biped skeleton. Love it!

Hair Stylist's Tools

4 votes

"Hair stylist tools is a collection of scripts to aid guide hair creation for Shag:Hair. It consists of:

  • Place Model Hair: to place guide hairs on surface.
  • Add Model Hair (unique): adds Model Hair modifier to selected splines
  • Add Model Hair (instanced): similar to the unique version - but instead of adding a unique modifier to each splines - it adds an instanced modifier.
  • SelectEntireBipedExceptRoot

    2 votes

    If you select any piece of a biped and then run this script - it will select the entire biped except for the root.


    6 votes

    "This script is similar to what Max's 'Align Tool' does - except you can bind this to a nice hotkey or toolbar button. This will take all selected objects and snap them all to the position and orientation of the last selected object.

    Clever Biped Move

    1 vote

    This script toggles the selection between the current biped's horizontal and vertical transforms.


    3 votes

    Using a selected biped body part this script will select the rest of the biped. If any of the parts are hidden or frozen they will be unfrozen or unhidden.