Tagged 'loop'

Step Gap Edge Loop - like modo selection

12 votes

Modo selections style in 3ds max, but only for edges.

Assign a hotkey(or button), select 2 verts/edges/faces woth desired gap between them and start pressing your hotkey.

Work only with Editable Poly objects

Drag-n-drop "StepGapEdgeLoopLR.mzp" and "StepGapEdgeLoopLR.mzp" in 3ds max. Go to Customize-Customize User Interface. Under "miauu" category you will find "Step Gap Edge Loop Right-Left" and "Step Gap Edge Loop Right-Left".

Big thanks to Anubis for his help.


24 votes

And all this works by single button

v.10.3 Fixed bug fo select similar elements
v.10.2 Added select similar elements by selected element (the number of polygons of an element is compared). Добавлено: выделение похожих элементов по выделенному элементу (сравнивается количество полигонов элемента)

UniRing-Loop Tools [URLT]

8 votes

The Ring-Loop selection and the edges and vertices of a single hotkey.

Universal Ring-Loop selector, works with Edges and vertex (on vertex works with bugs)

Выделение Ring-Loop и рёбер и вершин единой кнопкой

Универсальный Ring-Loop селектор работает с рёбрами и вершинами (на вершинах работает с ошибками)

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