Tagged 'animation'

Mirror Transform X Controller

0 votes

An MCG transform controller which mirrors another object's transformations across the X axis.

Includes a script which assigns the controller to all objects selected, and picks each corresponding mirrored object. Useful if you have a rig that is symmetrical and want to quickly mirror an animation.

MCG Bullet World

3 votes

MCG Bullet World is a rigid body physics simulation MCG tool using MCG Bullet Physics integration.

Tool is intended to be as user friendly as possible.
- Requires Max 2016 Extension 1 or newer.

Repeat Animation

1 vote

This MCG geometry object allows you to repeat the animation of a target object over and over again.  Use this with my other MCG for creating Looping animations and it is very powerful.

Loop Mesh Animation Modifier

1 vote

This MCG modifier allows you to create a looping mesh animation by referencing a duplicate of the mesh and the modifer will use this copy to blend the mesh back to the first frame by the end of the animation.

KIN Selection modifier tools

1 vote

2 modifier, setselection, invert selection, support soft selection, vertex, edge or poly, can animate.

(note: you need to add edit poly modifier before this 2 modifier.)


3D R.n.D |MCG | Path Constraint By Speed

1 vote

This MCG Tool will allow to control speed in path constraint.

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