Tagged 'faces'


6 votes

Using single one hotkey of Chamfer, works with:
Используя единственную горячую кнопку для Chamfer, работает с:
Edit_Poly: [Vertices, Edges, Faces(inset)] 
Editable_poly: [Vertices, Edges, Faces(inset)] 
Edit_mesh: [Vertices, Edges] 
Editable_mesh: [Vertices, Edges] 
Edit_Spline: [knots (Fillet), 
Spline sub-obj (Outline)] 
SplineShape: [knots (Fillet), Spline sub-obj (Outline)] 
line: [knots (Fillet), 
Spline sub-obj (Outline)] 


12 votes


v2.6: Collapse on Edit_Poly modifier using Scale Transform Type-In

And all this works by single button

Find Coinstances

26 votes

Find CoInstances works in two ways:

1. With Multiple Objects selected it will find objects that are cloned on top of each other resulting in animation flickering

2. With a Single object selected it will find and select faces that are coinstanced

Detach faces V2

10 votes

with this script, you can detach all the faces of selected objects as separate objects.
with pivot aligned to their center.
You also can detach only selected faces, with pivot and parent options.
You can detach faces from edges selection, if you check align pivot, it will align pivot to the center of each edge.
You can align pivots or parent after, on objects selection.

Unify / Flip normal polygons

85 votes

Use this script to make normal polygon of the objects.
Unify or flips all the faces of multiple selected objects with/without accses to SubObjects level.

New UI

Face Breaker

6 votes

This is a short script to automatically detach faces from an object.
Select as many objects as you like at the same time.
The script will preserve the local rotation of each face so that an object can be easily "exploded" along its normals.



0 votes

Select faces by min angle. works only on collapsed wditable_mesh object.

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