2 entries in a single line in listview!

how do you think, is it possible to insert in listview inside a single line 2 entries like here? http://www.scriptspot.com/files/script_0.jpg
so that I could show text like in attached picture:

I didn't find any info about this here

listview.jpg59.67 KB


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barigazy's picture

To be sure what is the

To be sure what is the problem with .net LV

try(destroyDialog listview_rollout)catch()
rollout listview_rollout "ListView Selected"
	local txtArr = #(
		#("TextA\nTextB", "TextC", "TextD", "TextE"), \
		#("TextA1\nTextB1", "TextC1", "TextD1", "TextE1"), \
		#("TextA2\nTextB2", "TextC2", "TextD2", "TextE2"), \
		#("TextA3\nTextB3", "TextC3", "TextD3", "TextE3")
	fn initListView lv =
		lv.gridLines = true
		lv.View = (dotNetClass "View").Details
		lv.fullRowSelect = true
		layout_def = #("TEXT_1", "TEXT_2", "TEXT_3", "TEXT_4")
		for i in layout_def do lv.Columns.add i 80 --add column with name and optional width
			lv.TileSize = (dotNetObject "System.Drawing.Size" 80 40)
	fn fillInSpreadSheet lv arr =
		local theRange = #() --array to collect the list items
		for i = 1 to arr.count do
			li = dotNetObject "ListViewItem" arr[i][1]
			sub_li = li.SubItems.add arr[i][2]
			sub_li = li.SubItems.add arr[i][3]
			sub_li = li.SubItems.add arr[i][4]
			append theRange li --we add the list item to the array
		lv.Items.AddRange theRange --when done, we populate the ListView
	dotNetControl lv_objects "ListView" width:324 height:190 align:#center 
	on listview_rollout open do 
		initListView lv_objects
		fillInSpreadSheet lv_objects txtArr
createDialog listview_rollout 334 200


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