bitmap switcher

Another script...another newbie problem!

I'm trying to develop a script that let me change diffuse texture of a certain material.
I started studying Joe Gunn old script "face switcher": this script change material ID (but first we need to create a multiamterial with a lot of submaterials with different textures), while I think it's faster to have only one material and change its texture.
The script let you choose a directory to sort bitmap from, create thumbnails and...nothing.
The scope is to change material texture clicking on the corresponding thumbnail and to create a keyframe for material diffuse slot.

This is my result:

try(destroyDialog ::texchange)catch()
rollout texchange"TEXTURE CHANGE"
	button btnSetD "Set Dir:" pos:[5,5] width:50 height:20 toolTip:"directory immagini"  
	edittext Fdir "" pos:[55,5] width:100 height:20
	button btn01 "01" pos:[5,30] width:30 height:30  
	button btn02 "02" offset:[-30,-35] width:30 height:30
	button btn03 "03" offset:[0,-35] width:30 height:30  
	button btn04 "04" offset:[30,-35] width:30 height:30
	button btn05 "05" offset:[60,-35] width:30 height:30
--choose bitmap path
	on btnSetD pressed do
		local curpath = Fdir.text 
		local newPath = getSavePath initialDir:(curpath) caption:"Select the path where your Face Images are located" 
		if newPath != undefined then	
--create thumbnails
			Fdir.text = newpath
			btn01.images = #(Fdir.text + "\01.png", Fdir.text + "\01.png", 1, 1, 1, 1, 1)
			btn02.images = #(Fdir.text + "\02.png", Fdir.text + "\02.png", 1, 1, 1, 1, 1)
			btn03.images = #(Fdir.text + "\03.png", Fdir.text + "\03.png", 1, 1, 1, 1, 1)
			btn04.images = #(Fdir.text + "\04.png", Fdir.text + "\04.png", 1, 1, 1, 1, 1)
			btn05.images = #(Fdir.text + "\05.png", Fdir.text + "\05.png", 1, 1, 1, 1, 1)
	on btn01 pressed do
--and here the problem... load 1st thumbnail image to object material
	on btn02 pressed do
--same, and so on...
createdialog texchange 160 200 10 110 style:#(#style_titlebar, #style_sysmenu, #style_toolwindow)

I hope to have been clear enought... any idea?


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barigazy's picture


Try this

on btn03 pressed do if selection.count != 0 do 
	if (mtl = selection[1].mat) != undefined do
		mtl = getClassInstances VRayMtl target:mtl
		if mtl.count != 0 do if isKindOf (map = mtl[1].texmap_diffuse) bitmaptex do
			with animate on (map.clipu = 0.4)
			map.clipu.controller.keys[1].inTangentType = map.clipu.controller.keys[1].outTangentType = #step


ste's picture


Almost right, with your code the 1st keyframe is stepped, while the others are not.


map.clipu.controller.keys.inTangentType = map.clipu.controller.keys.outTangentType = #step

works well!

barigazy's picture


In this example I used first object in selection, first material in array and
of course first key



ste's picture


One problem solved, another discovered (::disappointed::)

As a dialog works fine.
Converted into a scripted plugin works too.

But I will have more than one character in my scene and I prefer to use this tool as a modifier: if I apply it to two objects with 2 different material it works, but button thumbnails are the same even if I pick 2 different directories (with different images).

Is a local variable (path) problem?

ste's picture


Path names in EditText disappered also...

Now I fix it with:

 parameters main rollout:test (
  Fdir type: #string ui:Fdir animatable:false

they are also saved with scene and restored on open....
but no way to fix thumbnails problem :(

Any idea?

barigazy's picture


By using below method you can avoid any error.
I hope that you understand what i wrote.
If not then just read mxs help.


ste's picture


If I wrote:

	on btn01 pressed do
--texmap_diffuse because of vray material
		$.material.texmap_diffuse.filename = "C:\\test\\01.png"

it works, but obviously is not what I need... it should be something like this:

	on btn02 pressed do
		$.material.texmap_diffuse.filename = btn02.images

but my knowledge stops here...

ste's picture


I find a solution... is it the right one?

 on btn01 pressed do
   $.material.texmap_diffuse.filename = (Fdir.text + "\01.png")
barigazy's picture


Better use "selection[1]" then "$" sign ei

on btn01 pressed do if selection.count != 0 do
   if isKindOf (mtl = selection[1].mat) VRayMtl do
      mtl.texmap_diffuse.filename = (Fdir.text + "\01.png")


ste's picture


You rock!

Thanks, I'm learning a lot from you in these days.

It works fine with a vraymaterial, but does not work (nor mine do) if vraymtl is a submat of a multimaterial...

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