Changing from GMAT to Standard

Hi don't know if this is the correct place to ask but I would like to get the following script to import materials as a Standard material as opposed to a gMotorMaterial. I have had a go at modifying this but keep getting errors or it doesn't populate the texture onto the multi material.
The only map that needs to be populated is the diffuse map of the standard material.

I had an idea to make a separate script to change the materials over but can not figure out how to get the texture path from the gMotorMaterial. Any help would be much appreciated as you can tell I am totally new to this.

------------------GMT2.26(rFactor) Importer v0.94 by Zoltán Nagy-------
---------------------- Modified by Peter Holt 15/12/05
--------------------------Copy me to scripts\startup-------------------
---------------Feel free to improve this script in any way you can-----
utility ImportGMT2 "GMT2 Importer" width:161 height:303
	GroupBox grp1 "About" pos:[3,4] width:156 height:35
	label lbl1 "GMT2 Importer v0.94 by ZN" pos:[13,20] width:138 height:17
	button btnImportFile "Import a single file" pos:[15,229] width:124 height:26
	GroupBox grp2 "Options" pos:[2,50] width:158 height:162
	button btnImportDir "Import  a directory" pos:[15,267] width:124 height:23
	label lbl2 "Additional texture path:" pos:[16,64] width:128 height:16
	edittext edt1 "" pos:[8,80] width:103 height:16
	checkbox chkReload "Reload existing materials" pos:[12,104] width:135 height:19
	GroupBox grp4 "Import" pos:[-1,210] width:160 height:87
	button btnPath "Change" pos:[111,81] width:43 height:16
	checkbox chkAskTexes "Ask for missing textures" pos:[12,126] width:142 height:13 checked:true
	radioButtons rdoSmoothing "Smoothing" pos:[12,145] width:111 height:62 labels:#("No smoothing", "Smooth everything", "Proper smoothing") default:3 columns:1
	local gShaderNames
	local globalSearchPath
	fn FindStringInArray inArray inString=
		local index=0
		for i=1 to inArray.count do
			if ((stricmp inArray[i] inString)==0) then 
	fn ReadShaderNames= 
		shaderDir=((GetDir #maxroot)+"hardwareshaders\\")
		for i=1 to shaderFiles.count do
			file=openFile (shaderDir+shaderFiles[i]) mode:"rt"
			if file != undefined then 
					lineInFile=readLine file
					words=filterString lineInFile "="
					if words.count>1 then 
						if (words[1]=="ShaderName") then 
							shaderLevel=(execute words[2][2])+1
							if (findItem gShaderNames[shaderLevel] words[2])==0 then append (gShaderNames[shaderLevel]) words[2]
				) while ((eof file)==false)
				close file
			) else messageBox "Error opening .gfx files. Extract them to 3dsmax\\hardwareshaders."
	--print shaderNames[3].count
	fn ImportGMT filename=
		local animMethodsArray=#("Cycle","One shot","Pendulum","Transient","Random","Manual")
		gmtPath=getFileNamePath filename
		file=fopen fileName "rb"
		if file != undefined then 
------------------------Process the Materials first---------------------
			medit.setActiveMtlSlot 12 true
			offsetMaterials=(ReadLong file)+4  --start of the material section in the gmt
			fseek file (offsetMaterials) #seek_set  --jump there
			numMaterials=ReadLong file  --number of materials
			if ((classof meditMaterials[1])!=multiMaterial) then  meditMaterials[1]=multiMaterial numsubs:1
			for m = 1 to numMaterials do
				startingPos=ftell file   --store the start of this material
				matName=ReadString file  --name of the material
				--look for this material in the material editor
				for sm=1 to numSubs do
					if ((stricmp meditMaterials[1].materialList[sm].name matName)==0) then 
				local mat
				--create new gMat if it wasn't found
				if (newMatID==0) then 
					if ((classof meditMaterials[1].materialList[numSubs])==gMotorMaterial) 
					then (newMatID=numSubs+1)	else (newMatID=numSubs)
				) else mat=meditMaterials[1].materialList[newMatID]
				--keep the actual material ID for later
				append matIDs newMatID
				if (isNewMat==true or chkReload.checked==true) then medit.putMtltoMtlEditor mat 12
------------------------Material Properties----------------------------
				fseek file (startingPos+64) #seek_set
				matProperties=ReadLong file  --see below for details
				ambientRed=ReadFloat file
				ambientGreen=ReadFloat file
				ambientBlue=ReadFloat file
				ambientAlpha=ReadFloat file
				diffuseRed=ReadFloat file
				diffuseGreen=ReadFloat file
				diffuseBlue=ReadFloat file
				diffuseAlpha=ReadFloat file
				specularRed=ReadFloat file
				specularGreen=ReadFloat file
				specularBlue=ReadFloat file
				specularAlpha=ReadFloat file
				emissiveRed=ReadFloat file
				emissiveGreen=ReadFloat file
				emissiveBlue=ReadFloat file
				emissiveAlpha=ReadFloat file
				sourceBlend=ReadLong file
				destBlend=ReadLong file
				specularPower=ReadFloat file
				local ambientM,diffuseM,emissiveM,specularM
				if ((bit.and matProperties 0x200000)==0) then ambientM=true else ambientM=false
				if ((bit.and matProperties 0x1000000)==0) then diffuseM=true else diffuseM=false
				if ((bit.and matProperties 0x20000000)!=0) then emissiveM=true else emissiveM=false
				if ((bit.and matProperties 0x4000000)!=0) then specularM=true else specularM=false
				local specular,noZBuffer,twoSided,postShadow
				if ((bit.and matProperties 0x40)!=0) then specular=true else specular=false
				if ((bit.and matProperties 0x100)!=0) then noZBuffer=true else noZBuffer=false
				if ((bit.and matProperties 0x800)!=0) then twoSided=true else twoSided=false	
				if ((bit.and matProperties 0x10000)!=0) then postShadow=true else postShadow=false
				--they are just printed into the Listener for now
				if (isNewMat==true or chkReload.checked==true) then 
					format "\nMaterial name: %\n"	matName
					if (ambientRed!=1.0 or ambientBlue!=1.0 or ambientGreen!=1.0 or ambientM==false) then format "Ambient: %	%	%	M: %\n" (255*ambientRed) (255*ambientGreen) (255*ambientBLue) (ambientM)
					if (diffuseRed!=1.0 or diffuseBlue!=1.0 or diffuseGreen!=1.0 or diffuseM==false) then format "Diffuse: %	%	%	M: %	Alpha: %\n" (255*diffuseRed) (255*diffuseGreen) (255*diffuseBLue) diffuseM (255*diffuseAlpha)
					if (emissiveRed!=0.0 or emissiveBlue!=0.0 or emissiveGreen!=0.0) then format "Emissive: %	%	%	M: %\n" (255*emissiveRed) (255*emissiveGreen) (255*emissiveBLue) emissiveM
					if (specularRed!=0.0 or specularBlue!=0.0 or specularGreen!=0.0) then format "Specular: %	%	%	M: %	Power: %\n" (255*specularRed) (255*specularGreen) (255*specularBLue) specularM specularPower
					if (specular==true) then format "specular: %	\n" specular 	
					if (noZBuffer==true) then format "noZbuffer: %	\n" noZBuffer 
					if (twoSided==true) then format "twoSided: %	\n" twoSided 
					if (postShadow==true) then format "postShadow: %	\n" postShadow
					if (sourceBlend!=2 or destBlend!=1) then format "Source blend: %	Dest Blend: %\n" d3dBlendArray[sourceBlend] d3dBlendArray[destBlend] 
------------------------3 Shader Desecriptors--------------------------
				startTextures =#(0,0,0)
				numTextures =#(0,0,0)
				shaderNameIndices =#(0,0,0)
				for s = 1 to 3 do
					startingPos=ftell file  --store current position
				    startTextures[s]=ReadLong file  --index of the first texture stage for this shader
					numTextures[s]=ReadLong file  --number of texture stages for this shader
					shaderName=ReadString file --name of this shader
					if (s==1 and shaderName=="L1SPECULARMAPT0") then shaderName="L0SPECULARMAPT0" --hard-coded fix for a bug in specular.gfx
					shaderNameIndices[s]=FindStringInArray gShaderNames[s] shaderName
					fseek file (startingPos+264) #seek_set
				fseek file 32 #seek_cur  --sometimes this 32 bytes contains something
				numTexturesSum=ReadLong file  --sum of all texturestages
				for s = 1 to 3 do
					--set the 2 shader comboboxes
					if (isNewMat==true or chkReload.checked==true) then 
------------------------Texture Stages---------------------------------
					for t = 1 to numtextures[s] do
						startingPos=ftell file       --start of this texturestage in the file
						textureName=ReadString file  --exactly that
						fseek file (startingPos+64) #seek_set --strings are 64 bytes long so jump!
				 	    texProp1=ReadByte file      --texture stage properties
				 	    texProp2=ReadByte file
				 	    anisoLevel=ReadByte file  --not sure, doesn't work in editor
				 	    trash=ReadByte file  
				 	    mipLevel=ReadLong file #signed
				 	    animFrames=ReadLong file
						local animMethod,animRate,animSeqStr
						if (animFrames!=1) then  --some extra stuff to read when animation source==texture maps
							lengthSeq=ReadLong file
							animSeqStr=stringStream "("  --print the anim sequence into a string
							seek animSeqStr 1
							for l = 1 to lengthSeq do
								format "%," (ReadLong file) to:animSeqStr
							seek animSeqStr (lengthSeq*2)
							format ")"  to:animSeqStr
							close animSeqStr 
							animMethod=ReadLong file
							animRate=ReadFloat file
				 	    stageType=ReadLong file  --??
				 		if (stageType==7) then  --this happens when animation source==animation file, ie .bik
							fseek file 12 #seek_cur
						) else 
							ukn4=ReadLong file
						cubeMapBlend=ReadFloat file   --blend factor between base and cube texture usually
					    indexStage=ReadLong file  --just index of tex. stage, or texture coordinate set, or both?
    					ukn5=ReadLong file
				 	    chromaBlue=ReadByte file #unsigned  --transparent color
				 		chromaGreen=ReadByte file #unsigned
				 		chromaRed=ReadByte file #unsigned
				 		chromaAlpha=ReadByte file #unsigned
				 		alphaRef=ReadLong file  --alpha reference value for alpha testing
				 		lodBias=ReadFloat file
						fseek file 64 #seek_cur  --64 bytes of trash, probably for later use
						--now bang everything into to gmotortexture class, when texturename!=MATH
						if (textureName!="MATH") and (isNewMat==true or chkReload.checked==true) then 
							try (
							local texture
							case s of    --three gTex arrays for the 3 shaderlevels
								1: texture=mat.mtl_tex0[t]
								2: texture=mat.mtl_tex1[t]
								3: texture=mat.mtl_tex2[t]
							local myBitmap
							shortName=getFileNameFile textureName
							if animType==1 then shortName+="00"   --to find animated textures like
							try myBitmap=openbitmap (gmtPath+shortName+".dds")    --very nasty way to find the textures
								try myBitmap=openbitmap (gmtPath+shortName+".tga")
									try myBitmap=openbitmap (globalSearchPath+shortName+".dds")
										try myBitmap=openbitmap (globalSearchPath+shortName+".tga")
											try myBitmap=openbitmap (gmtPath+shortName+".bmp")
												try myBitmap=openbitmap (globalSearchPath+shortName+".bmp")
													if (chkAskTexes.checked==true)	then myBitmap=selectBitmap caption:("Please find: "+textureName)
								if myBitmap!= undefined then texture.pb_bmap1=myBitmap
							catch ()
							if (findString shortName "_CUBE")!= undefined then format "Cube map: %	in Mat: %	ShaderLevel: %	TexStage: %\n" (textureName) (matName) s t
							if animType!=0 then
								if animType==1 then
									texture.animSeqEdit =(animSeqStr as string)
									format "Animation method: %	in Mat: %	ShaderLevel: %	TexStage: %\n" (animMethodsArray[animMethod]) (matName) s t
							if (bit.and texProp1 0x80)!=0 then 
								texture.chromaColor=color chromaRed chromaGreen chromaBlue 
							if (bit.and texProp1 0x1)!=0 then texture.noReduce=on
							if (bit.and texProp2 0x80)!=0 then texture.noCompress=on
							if (bit.and texProp2 0x1)!=0 then texture.uniqueTex=on
							texture.coordinates.mapChannel=t     --texture coordinates channel
							if alphaRef<0x3f then texture.chromaBlend=3   --translate alpha reference into chromaBlend
							else if alphaRef<0x7f then texture.chromaBlend=2
							else if alphaRef<0xbf then texture.chromaBlend=1
							else texture.chromaBlend=0
							if mipLevel==-1 then texture.MIPLevel=0 
							else texture.MIPLevel=mipLevel
							texture.filterType=bit.and texProp1 48
							try ( if (bit.and texProp1 0x2)!=0 then texture.renderTarget=on ) catch( format ""   )  --checking render target causes an exception
							if (s==1 and t==1) then showTextureMap mat texture on  --show the first dx7 texture
							) catch
								format "Exception: %	Mat: %	ShaderLevel: %	TexStage: %\n" (getcurrentexception()) (matName) s t
			try (
			medit.setActiveMtlSlot 1 true
------------------Get the world matrix and the pivot point-------------
			local isTransformed=false
			local matTransform,vecPivot
			fseek file (0xf4+4) #seek_set
			m11=ReadFloat file
			if m11!=0 then
				m12=ReadFloat file
				m13=ReadFloat file
				m14=ReadFloat file
				m21=ReadFloat file
				m22=ReadFloat file
				m23=ReadFloat file
				m24=ReadFloat file
				m31=ReadFloat file
				m32=ReadFloat file
				m33=ReadFloat file
				m34=ReadFloat file
				m41=ReadFloat file
				m43=ReadFloat file
				m42=ReadFloat file  --flip y and z
				m44=ReadFloat file
				matTransform=matrix3 [m11,m12,m13] [m21,m22,m23] [m31,m32,m33] [m41,m42,m43]
				ReadFloat file
				pX=ReadFloat file
				pZ=ReadFloat file
				pY=ReadFloat file
				vecPivot=point3 pX pY pZ
-------------------------------Get our mesh----------------------------
			fseek file (0x170+4) #seek_set   
			numTrilists=ReadLong file  --number of triangle lists/strips
			startTrilistDesc=ReadLong file  --start of trilist headers
			vertArray =#()
			normalArray =#()
			colorArray =#()
			uv1Array =#()
			uv2Array =#()
			uv3Array =#()
			uv4Array =#()
			faceArray =#()
			faceArrayOpt =#()
			for m = 0 to (numTrilists-1) do
------------------------Trilist or Tristrip Descriptor-----------------
				fseek file (startTrilistDesc+4+m*132) #seek_set
				nUkn0 = ReadLong file  --strip or list, see below
				startPosNormal =  ReadLong file
				trash=ReadLong file
				startTexCoords = ReadLong file
				trash=ReadLong file
				startTanBinormal=ReadLong file  --tangents and binormals only when there's bumpmapping
				numVertices = ReadLong file
				trash=ReadLong file
				numIndices = ReadLong file
				startIndices = ReadLong file
				fseek file (16) #seek_cur
				indexMaterial = ((ReadLong file)+1)  --material ID
------------------------Vertex Position, Normal, Color-----------------
				fseek file (startPosNormal+4) #seek_set
				for v = 1 to numVertices  do
					x=ReadFloat file
					z=ReadFloat file --flip y and z for max
					y=ReadFloat file
					pos=point3 x y z
					append vertArray pos
					nx=ReadFloat file  --normal, not used here
					nz=ReadFloat file
					ny=ReadFloat file
					append normalArray (normalize [nx,ny,nz])
					blue=ReadByte file #unsigned  --vertex color, not sure in order
				 	green=ReadByte file #unsigned
				 	red=ReadByte file #unsigned
				 	alpha=ReadByte file #unsigned
				 	append colorArray [red/255.0,green/255.0,blue/255.0]
					trash=ReadLong file  --something
-------------------------UV data(4 channels per vertex)----------------
				fseek file (startTexCoords +4) #seek_set
				for v = 1 to numVertices  do
					u=ReadFloat file
					v=ReadFloat file
					append uv1Array [u,-v,0]
					u=ReadFloat file
					v=ReadFloat file
					append uv2Array [u,-v,0]
					u=ReadFloat file
					v=ReadFloat file
					append uv3Array [u,-v,0]
					u=ReadFloat file
					v=ReadFloat file
					append uv4Array [u,-v,0]
				fseek file (startIndices+4) #seek_set
				if (bit.and nUkn0 0x20000000)!=0 then  --we have a trilist
					for f = 1 to (numIndices/3)  do
						i1=((ReadShort file)+startIndex)
						i2=((ReadShort file)+startIndex)
						i3=((ReadShort file)+startIndex)
						append faceArray [i1,i2,i3]
						append faceArrayOpt [i1,i2,i3]
						append matIDArray matIDs[indexMaterial]			
				) else --it's a tristrip
					if numIndices>=3 then
						i1=((ReadShort file)+startIndex)
						i2=((ReadShort file)+startIndex)
						for i = 3 to (numIndices)  do
							i3=((ReadShort file)+startIndex)
							if (i1!=i2 and i1!=i3 and i2!=i3) then --ignore degenerate crap
								if (mod i 2)>0.00001 then	
									append faceArray [i1,i2,i3]
									append faceArrayOpt [i1,i2,i3]
									append faceArray [i3,i2,i1]
									append faceArrayOpt [i3,i2,i1]
								append matIDArray matIDs[indexMaterial]			
				startIndex+=numVertices  --the triangle lists/strips are put into a single mesh
			print rdoSmoothing.state
			if (rdoSmoothing.state==3) then
			try (
			for v = 1 to (vertArray.count-1) do
				local vj=v+1
				for vjfor = (v+1) to (vertArray.count) do
					if  vertV==vertArray[vj]  and  (dot normalArray[v] normalArray[vj])>0.98 then
						for f = 1 to (faceArrayOpt.count) do
							if faceArrayOpt[f].x>vj then faceArrayOpt[f].x-=1 else if faceArrayOpt[f].x==vj then faceArrayOpt[f].x=v 
							if faceArrayOpt[f].y>vj then faceArrayOpt[f].y-=1 else if faceArrayOpt[f].y==vj then faceArrayOpt[f].y=v 
							if faceArrayOpt[f].z>vj then faceArrayOpt[f].z-=1 else if faceArrayOpt[f].z==vj then faceArrayOpt[f].z=v
						deleteItem vertArray vj 
						deleteItem normalArray vj 
					) else	vj+=1
				if v>=(vertArray.count-1) then exit
			) catch
				format "Exception during fancy smoothing: %\n" (getcurrentexception()) 
		    --create our mesh, setup texture coordinates
			newMesh=mesh vertices:vertArray faces:faceArrayOpt materialIDs:matIDArray
			fseek file (0x190+4) #seek_set file
			meshop.setNumMaps newMesh 5 keep:true
			meshop.setMapSupport newMesh 4 true	
			meshop.setNumMapVerts newMesh 0 uv1Array.count
			meshop.setNumMapVerts newMesh 1 uv1Array.count
			meshop.setNumMapVerts newMesh 2 uv1Array.count
			meshop.setNumMapVerts newMesh 3 uv1Array.count
			meshop.setNumMapVerts newMesh 4 uv1Array.count
			meshop.setNumMapFaces newMesh 0 newMesh.numFaces
			meshop.setNumMapFaces newMesh 1 newMesh.numFaces
			meshop.setNumMapFaces newMesh 2 newMesh.numFaces
			meshop.setNumMapFaces newMesh 3 newMesh.numFaces
			meshop.setNumMapFaces newMesh 4 newMesh.numFaces
			for v = 1 to (uv1Array.count) do
				meshop.setMapVert newMesh 0 v colorArray[v]
				meshop.setMapVert newMesh 1 v uv1Array[v]
				meshop.setMapVert newMesh 2 v uv2Array[v]
				meshop.setMapVert newMesh 3 v uv3Array[v]
				meshop.setMapVert newMesh 4 v uv4Array[v]
				append vertList v
				--setNormal newMesh v normalArray[v]
			for f = 1 to (newMesh.numFaces) do
				meshop.setMapFace newMesh 0 f faceArray[f]
				meshop.setMapFace newMesh 1 f faceArray[f]
				meshop.setMapFace newMesh 2 f faceArray[f]
				meshop.setMapFace newMesh 3 f faceArray[f]
				meshop.setMapFace newMesh 4 f faceArray[f]
				setFaceSmoothGroup newMesh f 1
			if (isTransformed) then 
			if (rdoSmoothing.state==2) then meshop.weldVertsByThreshold newMesh vertList 0.000001
			--update newMesh  --said to update normals etc., not actually needed imo
			) catch
				format "Exception during Geometry importing: %\n" (getcurrentexception()) 
			fclose f
	on ImportGMT2 open do
	on btnImportFile pressed do
		fileName = getOpenFileName types: "GMT(*.gmt)|*.gmt|All|*.*|"
		if filename != undefined then
			ImportGMT filename
	on btnImportDir pressed do
		directory = getSavePath caption:"Import Directory" initialDir: edt1.text
		if directory != undefined then
			files=GetFiles (directory+"\\*.gmt")
			for filename in files do ImportGMT filename
	on btnPath pressed do
		directory = getSavePath caption:"Additional Texture Path" initialDir: edt1.text
		if directory != undefined then