question : parentheses strange behavior

hello i was trying to automate spline outline multiple times. this is the code:



aao = $

w = 3.5

fn deleteoffset spl = (

convertToSplineShape spl

subobjectLevel = 2

todel = numSegments spl 1

todel2= todel/2

sel = #()

setSegSelection spl 1 #()

for i = 1 to todel2 do (

append sel i


append sel todel

setSegSelection spl 1 sel

splineOps.delete spl

updateshape spl


aa = copy aao

spl = getSplineSelection aa

allspl = numSplines aa

for i = allspl to 1 by -1 do (

if i != spl[1] do (

deleteSpline aa i



applyOffset aa w

select aa

deleteoffset aa

aa2 = copy aa

applyOffset aa2 (w *-1)

select aa2

deleteoffset aa2 




this is the resault of the code above but when i add parentheses to this section of the code this is the result :



applyOffset aa w

select aa

deleteoffset aa

aa2 = copy aa

applyOffset aa2 (w *-1)

select aa2

deleteoffset aa2



which is annoying i cant put that part of the code in for loop or if condition or in macroscript ...


please could some one explain this behavior and suggest a fix .
