Copy Material from one object to another in viewport

I'm looking for a 3ds max script that will allow me to copy an object's material (with a hotkey - don't like new menus and tool bars) and paste it to another object all within the viewport. It would save me a lot of steps having to first open material editor then pick the material then assign to new material. I would love something that did this between instances like CopyPasteObjects.mcr (best script ever :). It would save me so much time.

Attached is an example of what I want to select the object with the mat I need, copy, then switch to different max scene and paste onto new object.

Right now I'm copying and pasting objects which is adding in a lot of unnecessary steps.

Thanks in advance.

capture.jpg164.53 KB


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elirobinson's picture

Not only that, but I changed

Not only that, but I changed my material library directory to a network location so with your script I can copy a material from max on one computer and paste to an object on a different computer (I'm running 2 machines with Input Director). Absolutely superb.

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