Display currently selected Material ID name

So I am trying to slightly modify this script by hunter_sk:


basically I just want the name of the currently selected material ID to appear after the ID number, which is already displayed on the top left part of the interface.

So far I've added this line (and moved everything downwards to leave a full line for ID name)

label nameID "" pos:[2,20]

but I can't figure out the other part (or parts?) that I need for the ID name to appear.

This is the script with only 8 buttons for readability, any help is greatly appreciated

macroScript h_idchanger
category:"Developer Tools"
	global id_changer
	global id_changer_selectedFacesChanged
	con = dotNetClass "system.windows.Forms.Control"
	rollout id_changer "id_changer 1.5" width:162 height:185
		label currentIDlabel "Selected ID:" pos:[2,3]
		label currentID "-" pos:[68,3]
		label select "select ID" pos:[117,3]
		label countIDlabel "#:" pos:[2,83]
		label countID "" pos:[15,83] align:#left
		label st "set ID" pos:[131,83]
		button b1 "1" pos:[0,20] width:20 height:20
		button b2 "2" pos:[20,20] width:20 height:20
		button b3 "3" pos:[40,20] width:20 height:20
		button b4 "4" pos:[60,20] width:20 height:20
		button b5 "5" pos:[80,20] width:20 height:20
		button b6 "6" pos:[100,20] width:20 height:20
		button b7 "7" pos:[120,20] width:20 height:20
		button b8 "8" pos:[140,20] width:20 height:20
		button m1 "1" pos:[0,100] width:20 height:20
		button m2 "2" pos:[20,100] width:20 height:20
		button m3 "3" pos:[40,100] width:20 height:20
		button m4 "4" pos:[60,100] width:20 height:20
		button m5 "5" pos:[80,100] width:20 height:20
		button m6 "6" pos:[100,100] width:20 height:20
		button m7 "7" pos:[120,100] width:20 height:20
		button m8 "8" pos:[140,100] width:20 height:20
		button ok "ok" width:150 height:16
		on ok pressed do
			if($!=undefined) do	subobjectLevel = 0
		fn clearCounters =
			currentID.text = ""
			countID.text = ""
		fn updateSelectedID_ePoly = 
			sel=polyop.getFaceSelection $ as array
			--update count
			countID.text = sel.count as string
			--some faces must be selected
			if( sel.count<1) then
				return false
			--get first selected face setMaterialID
			matID = polyop.getFaceMatID $ sel[1]
			allSame = true
			for i = 1 to sel.count do 
				if( polyop.getFaceMatID $ sel[i] != matID) then
			if(allSame) then currentID.text = matID as string else currentID.text = "--"
		fn updateSelectedID_polyMesh =
			sel = $.modifiers[#Edit_Poly].GetSelection #face
			countID.text = sel.numberSet as string
			currentID.text = "--"
			possibleID = 0
			sel=$.modifiers[#Edit_Poly].GetSelection #face
			for i = 1 to sel.count do
				if (sel[i] == true AND possibleID == 0) do possibleID = (polyOp.getFaceMatID $ i)
				if (sel[i] == true AND (polyOp.getFaceMatID $ i) != possibleID) do return false
			currentID.text = possibleID as string
		fn updateSelectedID callback id =
			--one ePoly must be selected
			if( selection.count!=1 OR subobjectLevel!=4 ) then 
				return false
			if( (classof $) == Editable_Poly ) do updateSelectedID_ePoly()
			if( (classof $) == PolyMeshObject ) do updateSelectedID_polyMesh()
		fn removeFacesWithSpecificIDfromArray arr findId useBitArray:false =
			for faceId = arr.count to 1 by -1 do
				if (useBitArray == true) then
					if (polyOp.getFaceMatID $ faceId == findId) do arr[faceId] = false
					if (polyOp.getFaceMatID $ arr[faceId] == findId) do deleteItem arr faceId
		fn selectID_ePoly id =
			-- deselection
			if (con.modifierKeys == con.modifierKeys.Alt) then
				sel = polyop.getFaceSelection $ as array
				removeFacesWithSpecificIDfromArray sel id
				polyop.setFaceSelection $ sel
			else -- select new or add (with ctrl)
				clearSelectionBool = (con.modifierKeys != con.modifierKeys.Control)
				$.EditablePoly.selectByMaterial id clearCurrentSelection:clearSelectionBool
		fn selectID_polyMesh id =
			if (con.modifierKeys == con.modifierKeys.Alt) then
				sel = $.modifiers[#Edit_Poly].GetSelection #Face --bitArray
				removeFacesWithSpecificIDfromArray sel id useBitArray:true
				$.modifiers[#Edit_Poly].SetSelection #Face sel
			else -- select new or add to selection
				if (con.modifierKeys != con.modifierKeys.Control) then
					$.modifiers[#Edit_Poly].SetSelection #Face #{}
				$.modifiers[#Edit_Poly].selectByMaterialID = id-1
				$.modifiers[#Edit_Poly].ButtonOp #SelectByMaterial
		fn selectID id =
			if (ClassOf($) == Editable_Poly) then
				if (subobjectLevel != 4) then subobjectLevel = 4
				selectID_ePoly id
			if( ClassOf($) == PolyMeshObject) then
				if (subobjectLevel != 4) then subobjectLevel = 4
				selectID_polyMesh id
		fn setID_ePoly id =
			$.EditablePoly.setMaterialIndex id 1
			if( (polyop.getFaceSelection $ as array).count >= 1) do
				currentID.text = id as string
		fn setID_polyMesh id =
			$.modifiers[#Edit_Poly].SetOperation #SetMaterial
			$.modifiers[#Edit_Poly].materialIDToSet = id-1
			$.modifiers[#Edit_Poly].Commit ()	
			if( ($.modifiers[#Edit_Poly].GetSelection #face).count >= 1) do
				currentID.text = id as string
		fn setID id =
			if (ClassOf($) == Editable_Poly) then
				if (subobjectLevel != 4) then subobjectLevel = 4
				setID_ePoly id
			if (ClassOf($) == PolyMeshObject) then
				if (subobjectLevel != 4) then subobjectLevel = 4
				setID_polyMesh id
		on b1 pressed do ( selectID(1) )
		on b2 pressed do ( selectID(2) )
		on b3 pressed do ( selectID(3) )
		on b4 pressed do ( selectID(4) )
		on b5 pressed do ( selectID(5) )
		on b6 pressed do ( selectID(6) )
		on b7 pressed do ( selectID(7) )
		on b8 pressed do ( selectID(8) )
		on m1 pressed do ( setID(1) )
		on m2 pressed do ( setID(2) )
		on m3 pressed do ( setID(3) )
		on m4 pressed do ( setID(4) )
		on m5 pressed do ( setID(5) )
		on m6 pressed do ( setID(6) )
		on m7 pressed do ( setID(7) )
		on m8 pressed do ( setID(8) )
		on id_changer close do
			id_changer_selectedFacesChanged = undefined
	CreateDialog id_changer
	id_changer_selectedFacesChanged = NodeEventCallback mouseUp:true subobjectSelectionChanged:id_changer.updateSelectedID