I need a little script to delete last MatID(Mesh)

Hello, i spent a lot of time on making this stuff and first time i release it, but second i couldn't make it again,
to delete last MatID(mesh) by 1 click, can someone help me with this ?
IT's a simple script when you select a mesh and press button - it deletes last MaTID(mesh).


And if it possible http://dfiles.ru/files/owsepv1vr to modifie this script(its .psk file importer) and add to it a possibility to insert special mesh(On the importing model), while importing the file, with position controlling rulers.


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barigazy's picture

Yep. I think that

Yep. I think that "apendIfUnique" cause the problem here


barigazy's picture

You asked a script. Here we

You asked a script. Here we go

try(destroydialog ::testRoll) catch() 
rollout testRoll "Delete LastMTLID Faces"
	fn deleteLastMtlIDfaces obj =
		local arr = #()
		for f in 1 to obj.numfaces do appendIfUnique arr (getFaceMatID obj f)
		lastIDFaces = sort (for f = 1 to obj.numfaces where (getFaceMatID obj f) == (amax arr) collect f)
		for f = lastIDFaces.count to 1 by -1 do deleteFace obj lastIDFaces[f]
		update obj
	button theButton "Do the JOB!" pos:[5,5] width:140 height:40
	on theButton pressed do 
		if selection.count != 0 do 
			for o in selection where iskindof o Editable_Mesh do deleteLastMtlIDfaces o
createDialog testRoll 150 50 10 110 style:#(#style_titlebar, #style_sysmenu, #style_toolwindow)		


Anubis's picture

I see you already helps here

The term "last MatID" is very funny... I need to read your code to see that this is translates as "most higher MatID" :)

Anyway, is next (untested) function is more optimized?

fn delfaces obj = (
	local lastID = 0, currID, aFaces
	for f = 1 to obj.numFaces do
	if (currID = getFaceMatID obj f) > lastID do
		lastID = currID
	aFaces = for f = 1 to obj.numFaces where \
	(currID = getFaceMatID obj f) == lastID \
		collect f
	meshop.deleteFaces obj aFaces

my recent MAXScripts RSS (archive here)

barigazy's picture

try this one

fn deleteLastMtlIDfaces obj = if iskindof obj Editable_Mesh do
	local arr = #()
	for f in 1 to obj.numfaces do appendIfUnique arr (getFaceMatID $ f)
	lastIDFaces = sort (for f = 1 to obj.numfaces where (getFaceMatID $ f) == (amax arr) collect f)
	for f = lastIDFaces.count to 1 by -1 do deleteFace obj lastIDFaces[f]
	update obj
deleteLastMtlIDfaces $


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