Tagged 'Distance'

Travel Distance

1 vote

a Maxscript Controller to measure and expose the distance traveled by an object.
1: select an object, a point or something else
2: run the script
3: in the modify panel, clic on Pick Reference button and pick the object you want to mesure travel distance.

Now, if you animate the object in autokey, you will see the value changing.
You can use it in wire Parameter or in expressions or script controllers

Refine By Distance

1 vote


3DS Max Script to Add 2 Vertices on each Selected Vertex by Specific Distance or to All Vertices if no Vertex Selected . Left of the Vertex will be Towered the Previous Vertex . Work on Multi Selected Shapes .

miauu's Quick Spline Measure

0 votes

miauu's Quick Spline Measure allows you to quickly measure:

Distance Shift

1 vote

Distance Shift

Скрипт для точного изменения расстояния выделенных точек или объекта по вектору двух выбранных точек

Установки, перетащить в 3dsmax, после установки вытащить кнопку или назначить хоткей на Distance Shift в категории RUST Script


основные функции:

- замеряем длину между точками