Tagged 'Misc'

Align Over Range

17 votes

Aligns one object to another over a period of time.

PEN Duplicate Name Finder

8 votes

The Duplicate Name Finder will do just that and then alow you to select the duplicates for renaming.

selection tools

12 votes

Several macros to set coordinates system - toggle window/crossing selection - and to change axis restriction. Put them into your favorite quad menu - and you can ditch the main toolbar away. Good for viewport-space-hungy users.

Procedural Motion Baker

23 votes

This script will convert procedural/hierarchical animation into keyframe animation. Adds support for IK-driven chains (HI - HD and splineIK).


6 votes

"This script allows you to add notes to your animation max file. Select the frame and type in your note. You can also edit and delete the notes. The notes are saved in a file with the same name as your max file."

Clear Variables

7 votes

"Clear all declared vars (i.e set = undefined) so scope can be tested without having to close/reload MAX!
* This script is for MAXScripters to use during code development."

Quick Parent

8 votes

A script for 3dsMax 5 - 2013 eliminating the need for the native link tool by replicating the classical Maya workflow: Select objects and execute script (e.g. by pressing the P-key on the keyboard - in case you choose to define P as it's shortcut). All selected objects become parented to the last selected object.


6 votes

Quickly pick a new pivot position for the selected object


6 votes

Modeling aid for surface-subdivisions. This is an elaboration of a free script found on the Internet.


9 votes

Locks or unlocked the transform - rotation and scale of an object by turning on or off all the objects transform locks in one click. Thanks to Grant Adam for the original code.