Tagged 'transform'

Milyan's object cleaner

1 vote

Coordinate Center Macros

21 votes

These are 3 simple macros I use to add shortcuts for the transform coordinate center options.


3 votes

This script will take ann object that is on a path (using a path controller) and make X copies of it along the spline.

Clever Move

3 votes

This script cycles through the coordinate system of the move tool. Press once for 'View' - again for 'Local' and once more for 'Parent'. Each press advances a coordinate system. Best when mapped to the 'W' key - replacing the standard 'Move' Tool.


5 votes

Align Position Z of selection to target from Center to Center


1 vote

Boujou2max plug-in poster

Boujou2max imports raw markers from Boujou as an animated cubes or dummies. This is a good solution for raw motion tracking without camera solve.

Clever Rotate

4 votes

This script cycles through the coordinate system of the rotate tool. Press once for 'View' - again for 'Local' and once more for 'Parent'. Each press - advances a coordinate system. Best when mapped to the 'E' key - replacing the standard 'Rotate' Tool.


2 votes

Align Position Z of selection to target from Pivot to Pivot


7 votes

Shoots a ray through the scene to determine the closest face on any object then sets the viewport transform matrix so the this face is oriented perpendicular to the view.


2 votes

Align Position Rotation and Scale of selection to target from Center to Center