Tagged 'Poly'

Poly Average Normals

36 votes

The macro script that averages all vertex normals
for faces tracked using custom (time saver) "smart selection".

Poly Average Normals

Mouse Loop-Ring

26 votes

The script for selection PolyLoop with mouse double click.
For selection PolyRing hold down the shift key.

The second click should be done with a small delay.


Now supported with Edit_Poly_Modifier.


15 votes

This tool can slice selected faces in mesh and poly at any angle with given step.
Usefull in game development for slicing lightgrids or landscapes.
You can use Slice Plane Helper grid for slicing and set your own custom step. It also has 'Hold' function for undoing results.

miauu's Scalpel

8 votes

Zero-Center Pivot Unimover

3 votes

v2.17 Fixed bug of pivot point to knot of shape when command panel pull out of 3dsmax


"More Video - Ещё видео"

Clone & Align On Faces

12 votes

This simple tool will helps when you need to distribute any "source" object on "target" object selected faces.
Requested on this thread by ice-boy.


3 votes


Smart Quads will help you on your everyday modeling task by making it more enjoyable.

Here are some of the benefits you get:


6 votes

Using single one hotkey of Chamfer, works with:
Используя единственную горячую кнопку для Chamfer, работает с:
Edit_Poly: [Vertices, Edges, Faces(inset)] 
Editable_poly: [Vertices, Edges, Faces(inset)] 
Edit_mesh: [Vertices, Edges] 
Editable_mesh: [Vertices, Edges] 
Edit_Spline: [knots (Fillet), 
Spline sub-obj (Outline)] 
SplineShape: [knots (Fillet), Spline sub-obj (Outline)] 
line: [knots (Fillet), 
Spline sub-obj (Outline)] 

Patchy Shape

2 votes

A simple way to make your model exciting both in single frame and animation form and view!

Poly Random ID

16 votes


This is just a modification of Jon Seagull's script to randomize poly IDs on an editably poly, but you can choose the number of adjacent polygons it randomizes. Meaning, that it can randomize groups of polygons and not just single polygons. Very useful with polys with lots of similar elements, like Ivy Generator and trees, in which you randomize the elements to have different kinds of leaves.


Hope you find it as useful as I did




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