Tagged 'UI'

Go to next/previous frame/key

12 votes

is a collection of
four very simple scripts that allow you to set individual hotkeys to go
to the next and previous frames in your timeline and the next and
previous keyframes of your selected object. Basically I made
these because when it comes to navigating frames forward and
by hotkey, I prefer maya's way of doing it as opposed to max's toggle

VRay Light Lister

76 votes

This script replaces the built-in light lister with one that incorporates support for VRay Lights and VRay Suns.

ScreenEdge UI

59 votes

This script runs a script / changes a setting when you click on one of the edges of the UI (left, right, top) and even provides for alternates when pressing left/middle/right button and ctrol/shift/alt keyboard.


When you first run this script nothing is displayed on the screen. It doesn't have a UI per se, it just "works" after you run it.

Shaded/Hidden Line/Wireframe Display Toggle

10 votes

smoothHiddenLineWireframe is a scripted display toggle that switches between shaded, hidden line and wireframe.

Mouse Select

31 votes

This script throws up a menu of the objects under the cursor for selection - similar to right-clicking Photoshop's move tool to select a layer.

-Select a single object by picking from the menu.
-Select multiple objects by holding down the control key while picking.
-Use 'All -' with or without the control key - to add/remove all listed objects from the selection.


2 votes

Use this script to switch to the Front view then zoom to the selected objects


6 votes

Use this script to do a hold then execute a quick render


3 votes

Use this script to switch to the Front view then zoom to the selected objects. Then zoom out 2x


2 votes

Use this script to do a hold then execute a scene render


3 votes

Use this script to switch to the Left view then zoom to the selected objects