activating button in script from script

I have smpile problem but none of my ideas won't work.
How to activate button(make it execute) in my rollout by another buttion.
Bellow example, btn6 should activate btn5, I already try with .checked=true, state=true, enabled= true but it don't work and I have to press and execute button:

rollout unnamedRollout "Untitled" width:162 height:300
button btn5 "messagebox" pos:[28,28] width:90 height:30
button btn6 "accesor" pos:[36,79] width:84 height:38
on btn5 pressed do

messagebox "it work"

on btn6 pressed do
UIAccessor.PressButton btn5 -- press the button
createdialog unnamedRollout


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kredka's picture

Thank You

Great, thank You, work perfect.

barigazy's picture


Most important thing here is to declare your tool variable as global

global unnamedRollout
-- close tool if is alreday opened
try(destroyDialog unnamedRollout)catch()

or in one line with "::"

try(destroyDialog ::unnamedRollout)catch()

Now your code need to look like this

try(destroyDialog ::unnamedRollout)catch()
rollout unnamedRollout "Untitled" width:162 height:300
	button btn5 "messagebox" pos:[28,28] width:90 height:30
	button btn6 "accesor" pos:[36,79] width:84 height:38
	on btn5 pressed do
		messagebox "it work"
	on btn6 pressed do
		unnamedRollout.btn5.pressed() -- press the button
createdialog unnamedRollout 162 300 10 110 style:#(#style_titlebar, #style_sysmenu, #style_toolwindow)


Rodman's picture


What do you want to achieve with this ?


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