Autogrid Effect Masxcript


On a personnal maxscript, I would like to move objects on others like 'autogrid'.

I try mousetrack function, but it seem only work for one surface, not for all objects in the scene.

Does it exist function to do this ?



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Marco Brunetta's picture

You can call mouseTrack on

You can call mouseTrack on "objects" or "selection" or any collection of items, it does not have to be just one item. But it's not very good at picking the right object when they are overlapping, and it's pretty slow on medium to big sized scenes.

nicographx's picture

Ok thanks. Just another

Ok thanks.
Just another question about mouseTrack, can I have the worldPoint information of the mouse like with a tool ?
I try this and it's doesn't work (return undefined)
Thanks a lot

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