get descendant bitmap of diffuse input

Whats the best way to get the first descendant bitmap of a material's diffuse property?

So for example if the diffuse has bitmap plugged into a color correction node, which in turn is plugged into a mix map, how would I find the bitmap? Would I need to loop through each parameter of each child, and then the childs child and so on?


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jahman's picture


getClassInstances bitmapTexture target:$.material.diffusemap

3di's picture


That's great, thanks for the info.

here's the usage incase it's useful to anyone. It returns an array of all bitmapTexture maps plugged into the redshift diffuse_color_map parameter.

fn GetTheBitmapsFromTheTree Diff =
return getClassInstances bitmapTexture target:Diff

--main function

Sel = selection as array
count = 0
for TheGeo in Sel do
if classof TheGeo.material == Multimaterial then
--print(“multisub \n”)
for m = 1 to TheGeo.material.numsubs do
connectedToMultiMat = TheGeo.material[m]
if classof connectedToMultimat == Subanim do continue
c = classof connectedToMultimat as string


--gets the full array of maps
--print (ReadAllMaps(TheGeo.Material))

--gets just the specified map

TheBitmaps = #()
TheBitmaps = GetTheBitmapsFromTheTree(TheGeo.Material.diffuse_color_map)
cnt = 0
for bitmap in TheBitmaps do
cnt = cnt + 1

Damn you computer.

miauu's picture


Two advices:
1- put your code inside
-- your code
Do not type the quotes. :)
2- do not use "return" when you want the function to return what it have to return. In maxscript, most of the time, all functions returns the last expression/variable.

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