Get Material Properties


I'm new in max scripting and I'm trying to get a list all the material properties of the selected object.

This is my first attempt...

for prop in (getPropNames $.material) do
	getProperty $.material prop

...but no property were listed.
So, I tried to force the parameter name:

for prop in (getPropNames $.material) do
	getProperty $.material "Diffuse"

And again, no property are listed.

I did some test to check if I wrote the values correctly:

getProperty $.material "Diffuse"

And if I put the getProperty out of the loop, it works perfectly for this specific parameter.

I checked also the loop using a print function...

for prop in (getPropNames $.material) do
	print prop

...and it seems to work well, listing all the property names.

So... where I'm wrong?
I don't understand is why the getProperty row works only out of the "for prop" loop.

Someone can help me, please?


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David_Lee's picture

Wow, now it works perfectly!

Wow, now it works perfectly!

Thanks barigazy! :)

barigazy's picture

try this

for prop in (getPropNames $.material) do
	format "% = %\n" (prop as string) (getProperty $.material prop)


barigazy's picture


for prop in (getPropNames $.material) do
	print (getProperty $.material prop)
-- if you want to collect and then print
propList = for prop in (getPropNames $.material) collect (getProperty $.material prop)
for p in propList do print p


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