Hello. how make a color complementary in two color pickers at same time, please

Hello to every body. i have this script



Rollout twocolor "complementary " 


Group "complimentary color:"


colorpicker theColor_ct  color:[0,0,255] modal:false  across:2  

colorpicker theColorb  color:[255,156,0] modal:false  

   on theColor_ct changed new_colct do theColorb.color = new_colct 

   on theColorb changed new_colb do theColor_ct.color = new_colb




createDialog twocolor 280 50


I could connect the two color picker, but as you can see gives the same color, please how should be the code so when i select a color in "theColor_ct", the color in the "theColorb" it will be the complementary and  backwards?

Thnaks for you time.Wink



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themaxxer's picture

works like a charm...

works like a charm... thanks.
could you make it as macro script? I can't do it.


barigazy's picture


macroScript complementary category:"le1setreter" toolTip:"complementary in two color"
	try(destroyDialog ::twocolor)catch()
	Rollout twocolor "complementary " 
		fn getComplColor baseColor =
			origR = baseColor.r
			origG = baseColor.g
			origB = baseColor.b
			minRGB = amin origR origG origB
			maxRGB = amax origR origG origB
			minPlusMax = minRGB + maxRGB
			complColor = color (minPlusMax-origR) (minPlusMax-origG) (minPlusMax-origB)
		Group "complimentary color:"
			colorpicker theColor_ct  color:[0,0,255] modal:false  across:2  
			colorpicker theColorb  color:[255,156,0] modal:false  
			on theColor_ct changed new_colct do theColorb.color = getComplColor new_colct
			on theColorb changed new_colb do theColor_ct.color = getComplColor new_colb
	createDialog twocolor 280 50 style:#(#style_titlebar, #style_sysmenu, #style_toolwindow)


le1setreter's picture

try with this

try with this function:

Rollout twocolor "complementary " 
	fn getComplColor baseColor =
		origR = baseColor.r
		origG = baseColor.g
		origB = baseColor.b
		minRGB = amin origR origG origB
		maxRGB = amax origR origG origB
		minPlusMax = minRGB + maxRGB
		complColor = color (minPlusMax-origR) (minPlusMax-origG) (minPlusMax-origB)
	Group "complimentary color:"
	colorpicker theColor_ct  color:[0,0,255] modal:false  across:2  
	colorpicker theColorb  color:[255,156,0] modal:false  
	on theColor_ct changed new_colct do theColorb.color = getComplColor new_colct
	on theColorb changed new_colb do theColor_ct.color = getComplColor new_colb
createDialog twocolor 280 50

i am not sure if the values are 100% exact. i took the formula from here:

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