How to save color image in PNG format ???

Good day

I would like to receive a reduced copy of the image.
The initial image has a color palette (RGB Color, 8 bit)

CarBitMap = openBitMap "D:\\Eyebrow.png"
proxyBitMap = bitmap (CarBitMap.width/10) (CarBitMap.height/10)\ filename:"D:\\Eyebrow_P.png" palette:256
save proxyBitMap

Why does the saved image have a palette Grayscale ???

eyebrow_winrar.rar54.06 KB


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DMZScripts's picture

maybe look at this

btm = openbitmap @"c:\work\test.png"
btm2 = bitmap (btm.width/10) (btm.height/10) filename:@"C:\Work\test3.png"
copy btm btm2
pngio.settype #true48
pngio.setAlpha true
save btm2etAlpha true
save btm2

This is not fully what you want, but atleast you can save a png not in greyscale.
You can also set pngio to #pallete, but then it does not save the alpha.

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