If select object then disable button

Hi all,

i'm looking for a way to disable a button when selected any object in scene and enabled with not selected too.

thanks for your help.


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Swordslayer's picture


rollout disableTest "Disable Test"
	button btnDoSomething "Do something"
	on disableTest open do
		callbacks.addScript #selectionSetChanged "disableTest.btnDoSomething.enabled = selection.count == 0" id:#disableButton
	on disableTest closed do
		callbacks.removeScripts #selectionSetChanged id:#disableButton
createDialog disableTest
paparalla's picture

Thanks so much!!!

It is exactly what I wanted thanks you very much. Can you help me whit a one more thing please?
OK, I need something like this...

If selection object have a UVmap modifier -- disable the button, but if not Add modifier to object.

Here my little sample but its work only when "pressed button" and if the uvwmap is the first in the modifier list to the objects selection. I need this only when you select objects or not, and no matter order the UV map in the object selected.

Try(DestroyDialog Rtest)catch()
rollout Rtest "Test-Rollout"
button bt1 "DetectUVmap"
on bt1 pressed do
for i in selection do
m = 1
if classOf geometry[1].modifiers[m] != Uvwmap then
messagebox "Add_UVmap" beep:off
obj = selection[1]
size= obj.max.x - obj.min.x
uvmodifier = uvwmap name:"Fit Bitmap" maptype:4 length:(size) width:(size) height:(size)
addmodifier obj uvmodifier
else messagebox "Uvmap exist" beep:off
CreateDialog Rtest ()


Swordslayer's picture

This doesn't make sense with

This doesn't make sense with a mixed selection where some objects already have the modifier and some don't. I'd avoid disabling a part of the UI, let the user decide and just skip all the objects that already have the modifier applied

try destroyDialog Rtest catch()
rollout Rtest "Test-Rollout"
	button bt1 "TryAssignUVmap"
	on bt1 pressed do
		for obj in selection where (getClassInstances Uvwmap target:obj).count < 1 do
			local size = obj.max.x - obj.min.x
			addModifier obj (Uvwmap name:"Fit Bitmap" mapType:4 length:size width:size height:size)
createDialog Rtest
paparalla's picture

Thanks again!

Thansk for your time wordslayer. Am very happy :)

paparalla's picture

Thanks again!

thanks for your time Swordslayer!

miauu's picture


rollout Rtest "Test-Rollout"
	button bt1 "DetectUVmap"
	on bt1 pressed do
		selObjsArr = selection as array
		for o in selObjsArr do
			if o.modifiers.count != 0 then
				stopLoop = false
				for m in o.modifiers where classOf m == Uvwmap while stopLoop == false do
					bt1.enabled = false
					stopLoop = true
				if stopLoop == false do
					size= o.max.x - o.min.x
					uvmodifier = uvwmap name:"Fit Bitmap" maptype:4 length:(size) width:(size) height:(size)
					addmodifier o uvmodifier
				size= o.max.x - o.min.x
				uvmodifier = uvwmap name:"Fit Bitmap" maptype:4 length:(size) width:(size) height:(size)
				addmodifier o uvmodifier
CreateDialog Rtest ()
paparalla's picture

Thanks =)

Thansks Miauu you are crack!

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