MousePoint Help

Hello , Im new to maxscript and iv'e been doing some practice scripting basics to better understand it.

Ok, here it is.I'm trying to add a mousepoint handler to my script. The problem I'm having, is that im not sure where the placement for the event to go in and how to structure it. Any suggestion or guidance would be appreciated, Thanks.

global myFloater
		closeRolloutFloater myFloater
		myfloater = newRolloutFloater "My Rock" 200 300 
		rollout myRollout "Rock Pro"
		global myBox
			group "Rocksize"
				spinner spnLen "Length: " range:[1.0, 10.0, 1.0] type:#worldunits 
				spinner spnWid "Width: " range:[1.0, 10.0, 1.0] type:#worldunits 
				spinner spnHei "Height: " range:[1.0, 10.0, 1.0] type:#worldunits 
			button createRock "MakeRock"
				on createRock pressed do
						sL = spnLen.value
						sW = spnWid.value
						sH = spnHei.value
						myBox = box length:sL width:sW height:sH pos:worldPoint lengthsegs:5 widthsegs:5 heightsegs:5 = uniqueName "Rock_"
						select myBox
						for i in selection do i.pivot =
						addModifier myBox (spherify())
						addModifier myBox (turbosmooth())
						myBox.spherify.percent = 100
				tool create 
				local myBox
				on mousePoint clickno do
				if clickno == 1 then myBox = myBox pos:worldPoint else #stop
				on mouseMove clickno do myBox.pos = worldPoint
       addrollout myRollout myfloater


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FidelVilla's picture

Thanks Anubis for your help.

Thanks Anubis for your help. I appreciate you giving me the two options for the script to work. And pickpoint v1 would work for me for my pos and adding an undefined for in case the user aborts. Thanks again this was really helpful.

Anubis's picture

Just take this as quick

Just take this as quick reply... if you need a mouse tool only for the start pos point you can use pickPoint(). The mouse tool named "create" likely is preserved for plugins, so I rename it to "createRock", and add the tool as local to the rollout (but it can be outside of the rollout as well).

	global myFloater
	try(closeRolloutFloater myFloater)catch()
	rollout myRollout "Rock Pro"
		local thePos
		tool createRock
			on mousePoint click do
				thePos = worldPoint
		group "Rock Size"
			spinner spnLen "Length: " range:[1.0, 10.0, 1.0] type:#worldunits 
			spinner spnWid "Width: " range:[1.0, 10.0, 1.0] type:#worldunits 
			spinner spnHei "Height: " range:[1.0, 10.0, 1.0] type:#worldunits 
		button btn_createRock1 "MakeRock v.1"
		button btn_createRock2 "MakeRock v.2"
		on btn_createRock1 pressed do -- // Version 1
			sL = spnLen.value
			sW = spnWid.value
			sH = spnHei.value
			thePos = pickPoint() -------------------------------
			-- supply default value in case the user abort mouse tool:
			if classOf thePos != Point3 do thePos = [0,0,0]
			myBox = Box length:sL width:sW height:sH \
			pos:thePos lengthsegs:5 widthsegs:5 heightsegs:5 \
			name:(uniqueName "Rock_") isSelected:true
			CenterPivot myBox
			addModifier myBox (spherify())
			addModifier myBox (turbosmooth())
			myBox.spherify.percent = 100
		on btn_createRock2 pressed do -- // Version 2
			sL = spnLen.value
			sW = spnWid.value
			sH = spnHei.value
			startTool createRock -------------------------------
			if classOf thePos != Point3 do thePos = [0,0,0]
			myBox = Box length:sL width:sW height:sH \
			pos:thePos lengthsegs:5 widthsegs:5 heightsegs:5 \
			name:(uniqueName "Rock_") isSelected:true
			CenterPivot myBox
			addModifier myBox (spherify())
			addModifier myBox (turbosmooth())
			myBox.spherify.percent = 100
	myFloater = newRolloutFloater "My Rock" 200 300
	addRollout myRollout myFloater

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