Multiple model optimize + export

Hi All,

I am trying to generate a script that will do the following:

Create a duplicate of a selected model
Transform its pivot to the center of the base
Optimize the mesh to a medium/high solution
Create a second duplicate of the mesh
Optimize the mesh to a low polygon solution
Export the medium/high mesh as "file name" + "high poly" .max
Esport the low detail mesh as "file name" + "low poly" .max

I also want all the maps assoceated with that model to be opened in Photoshop. I already have the code for this.

So my questions are... is this possible? are there already tools that do this that I have missed? Is there a better way of doing what I am proposing?

Any feedback is much appreciated.




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FATdan's picture

model optimizer

Hi Kogen,

Thanks for your feedback.
I tried to go down the listener route but not all max commands will translate straight into a working maxscript.

My requirements have changed slightly. I am now just looking for a mass model optimiser, pivot reset and exporter. I think I should be able to find those elements on Scriptspot and combine them.



kogen's picture

Hi FATdan, of course it's

Hi FATdan,

of course it's possible.
Actually I'm not sure what you mean with the Photoshop-Thing, but the rest sounds pretty standard and not like a problem for MaxScript.
If you don't feel like browsing the whole Max Script doc, I'd suggest turning on the listener and save the proper commands into a max-script file.


"Arrogance kills."

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