Newb question: multiple copies using maxOps.CloneNodes


I'm trying to replicate the ''Number of Copies'' option in the Clone Options menu when you shift+move ...

let's say i want 6 instances of the same hierarchy, how can i make this work?

i'm really new to maxscript so i'm using the maxOps.CloneNodes command and i can't find anything on the number of copies.

here's my string:

maxOps.CloneNodes $obj_001 offset:[600,0,0] expandHierarchy:on cloneType:#instance actualNodeList:#() newNodes:#()

so how can i set the number of copies??



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miauu's picture


Use for loop

for i = 1 to 6 do 
   maxOps.CloneNodes ......
4strings4ever's picture

that did it ...

that did it !!

many thanks

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