Personalized MAX does not know where the code is wrong.

The script is problematic, but I don't know how to modify it, please point out, thank you.

The code is as follows:

rollout SPmyPersTitle "个性化Max" width:347 height:318
	GroupBox grp1 "个性化标题栏" pos:[10,10] width:195 height:176
	checkbox isOpen "启用个性化标题栏" pos:[23,158] width:150 height:18
	checkbox filen "文件名" pos:[23,30] width:120 height:20
	checkbox filep "文件路径" pos:[23,50] width:120 height:18
	checkbox size "文件大小" pos:[23,70] width:120 height:20
	checkbox creDate "文件创建时间" pos:[23,90] width:120 height:20
	checkbox modDate "最后修改时间" pos:[23,110] width:120 height:18
	checkbox ver "Max版本" pos:[23,130] width:120 height:18
	local cont=#(filen,filep,size,creDate,modDate,ver)
	local tit=""
	fn getVer =
	(	v=(maxversion())[1]/1000
		if v<=9 then return v
		else return (2008+v-10)
	fn getStr n =
	(	filename=maxfilename
		filepath=CGplusplusFunc.SlashConvert maxfilepath
		if not doesfileexist file then (
			filepath=CGplusplusFunc.SlashConvert (getdir #Scene)
		case n of
		(	1 : filename
			2 : filepath
			3 : (	thestr="大小:"
					fs=getFileSize file
					if ss < 1024 then thestr+=ss as string + " KB"
					else thestr+=(fs/1048576) as string + " MB"
			4 : ( 	s01="创建:"
					if not doesfileexist file then s01+="未创建" else s01+=getFileCreateDate file
			5 : (	s01="修改:"
					if not doesfileexist file then s01+="未修改" else s01+=getFileModDate file
			6 : "3ds Max "+(getVer()) as string
			default : ""
	fn setTitle content:"" =
	(	str=""
		idx=findstring content "1"
		if idx!=undefined then 
		(	str+=getStr idx
			for t in idx+1 to 6 where content[t]!=undefined and content[t]!="0" do str+="  -  " + getStr t
		if str.count==0 then str="请在场景助手-->选项-->个性化Max 中定制此处标题"
		cui.setAppTitle str
	fn setTheTitle =
	(	tit=getinisetting spInifilepath "Main" "PerTitle"
		SPmyPersTitle.setTitle content:tit
	fn switchTitle state:false =
	(	callbacks.removeScripts id:#setThePersTitle
		if state then
		(	tit=getinisetting spInifilepath "Main" "PerTitle"
			SPmyPersTitle.setTitle content:tit
			callbacks.addScript #filePostOpen "SPmyPersTitle.setTheTitle()" id:#setThePersTitle
			callbacks.addScript #filePostSave "SPmyPersTitle.setTheTitle()" id:#setThePersTitle
			callbacks.addScript #systemPostReset "SPmyPersTitle.setTheTitle()" id:#setThePersTitle
			callbacks.addScript #systemPostNew "SPmyPersTitle.setTheTitle()" id:#setThePersTitle
		else ()
	fn getINIpath = 
		thepath = getFilenamePath (getmaxinifile())+"defaults\\*"
		dirs = getDirectories thepath
		for d in dirs do
			if doesfileexist file then return file 
			else (
				dirs01 = getDirectories (d+"*")
				for d01 in dirs01 do (
					file01 = d01+"\\CurrentDefaults.ini"
					if doesfileexist file then return file01
				)--end for
			)--end else
		)--end for
	on SPmyPersTitle open do
		tit=getinisetting spInifilepath "Main" "PerTitle"
		for t in 1 to 6 do if tit[t]=="0" then cont[t].checked=false else cont[t].checked=true
		st=getinisetting spInifilepath "Main" "PerTitOpen"
		if st=="1" then isOpen.checked=true
		else (isOpen.checked=false;for i in cont do i.enabled=false)
	on isOpen changed st do
	(	if st then
		(	setTheTitle()
			for i in cont do i.enabled=true
			setinisetting spInifilepath "Main" "PerTitOpen" "1"
		else (
			for i in cont do i.enabled=false
			setinisetting spInifilepath "Main" "PerTitOpen" "0"
		switchTitle state:st
	on filen changed state do
	(	if state then tit[1]="1"
		else tit[1]="0"
		setTitle content:tit
		setinisetting spInifilepath "Main" "PerTitle" tit
	on filep changed state do
	(	if state then tit[2]="1"
		else tit[2]="0"
		setTitle content:tit
		setinisetting spInifilepath "Main" "PerTitle" tit
	on size changed state do
	(	if state then tit[3]="1"
		else tit[3]="0"
		setTitle content:tit
		setinisetting spInifilepath "Main" "PerTitle" tit
	on creDate changed state do
	(	if state then tit[4]="1"
		else tit[4]="0"
		setTitle content:tit
		setinisetting spInifilepath "Main" "PerTitle" tit
	on modDate changed state do
	(	if state then tit[5]="1"
		else tit[5]="0"
		setTitle content:tit
		setinisetting spInifilepath "Main" "PerTitle" tit
	on ver changed state do
	(	if state then tit[6]="1"
		else tit[6]="0"
		setTitle content:tit
		setinisetting spInifilepath "Main" "PerTitle" tit
createdialog SPmyPersTitle


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fajar's picture


Are you chinese man? not racist question tho. I just want to know , can you convert those "chinese" word into english. May be someone able to help you , remember not everyone in the world can read chinese/japanese/korean/russian word, but percentage people able to read english are bigger than the previous one tho. So my suggestion if you in international forum , hope you use english language first than your native language . Im not english man too , im from indonesia, my english is bad.

on SPmyPersTitle open do
			local tit=getinisetting spInifilepath "Main" "PerTitle" -- this is the main issue
			local st=getinisetting spInifilepath "Main" "PerTitOpen"  -- this is the main issue
			-- because you try to get ini setting which is empty or undefined or not exist then its return undefined 
			-- you must set your ini first 
			for t in 1 to 6 do if tit[t]=="0" then cont[t].checked=false else cont[t].checked=true
			if st=="1" then isOpen.checked=true
			else (isOpen.checked=false;for i in cont do i.enabled=false)
			 ---setinisetting ..bla bla
		thever=maxversion() -- what s this for ?????? 

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