point helper per particle.

I'm trying to run through the selected particle system and create a point helper for each particle in the system. The problem I'm running into is that it creates duplicates.

pf = $ -- select pflow source
range = #(0, 30)
fn fnAddKey Obj val curTime =
	with animate on
		objTrack = Obj.pos.x = 5
for t = range[1] to range[2] do
	local pPos = undefined
	local flasherObj
	sliderTime = t
	count = pf.NumParticles()
	temp = for i = 1 to count do
		pf.particleIndex = i
		pPos = pf.particlePosition
		flasherObj = point wirecolor:yellow pos:pPos
		fnAddKey flasherObj 1 sliderTime


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MKlejnowski's picture

This might help. I re-wrote

This might help. I re-wrote the code you originally put in but i put a test on it to only create a new point if one does not exist.

pf = $ -- select pflow source
range = #(0, 30)
ptArray = #()
ptTest = 0
fn fnAddKey Obj curTime =
	with animate on
		at time curTime 
			Obj.position = [5 ,obj.position.y, obj.position.z]
--call outside of loop once
for t = range[1] to range[2] do
	count = pf.NumParticles()
	for i = 1 to count do
		pf.particleIndex = i
		ptId = pf.particleId
		if ptID > ptTest then
			pPos = pf.particlePosition
			newPt = point wirecolor:yellow pos:pPos
			append ptArray newPt
			ptTest = ptId
		) else (
			curPt = ptArray[ptID]
			fnAddKey curPt t
JokerMartini's picture


It's kind of what I was looking for. I want to create a point helper each time a new particle is created. And at the exact time that the particle is birthed I want to animate that halper moving in the z axis "x" amount of units.

I've attached the match file to help get things started.
If you open the file and run the script I posted in the main part of this post youll see the problem.

04test.max 220 KB

John Martini
Digital Artist
http://www.JokerMartini.com (new site)

MKlejnowski's picture

You are having the loop which

You are having the loop which creates the particle be called 30 times causing you to make new point helpers since you have a loop running with in another loop. Also be careful with the NumParticles method since that only gives you the number of particles currently at that frame. If you know how many particles you are going to have i would just type it in. I'm also not sure what you are trying to accomplish with this code but this is what i got out of it.

pf = $		-- select pflow source
ptArray = #() 	-- Array to hold your points
range = #(0, 30)-- Fram range
ptAmount = pf.NumParticles()	--Number of particles currently on this frame
--Updated your fn
fn fnAddKey curTime ptNum pfVar ptAr=
	with animate on
		for pt = 1 to ptNum do
			pfVar.particleIndex = pt
			pPos = pfVar.particlePosition
			at time curTime
			ptAr[pt].position = [5 , pPos.y, pPos.z]
)--end fnAddKey fn
MatEditor.Close()-- No need to call this inside the Loop
max create mode
for pt = 1 to ptAmount do
	ptVar = point wirecolor:yellow 
	append ptArray ptVar 
for timeVar = range[1] to range[2] do
	fnAddKey timeVar ptAmount pf ptArray

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