Procedural Spline Creation with animated shape extrusion. Help!

hi everybody,

this is my first post in the forum and actually my first attempt to write a script with maxscript.
My goal is to create splines based on the travelled direction of some particles (PFlow) and then attach
a primitive object (like a box or a cylinder) to the spline's first point and extrude it's top face
along the spline. This whole extrusion shall be animated, also the growing process of the spline.

At the moment I have no idea how to animate the spline's growth, so that each time a knot is created,
also a keyframe is added to it.
In the script I have attached to this post, I created a workaround where I create a cylinder for each
spline and constraine it with a WSM Path Deform modifier to the spline, also adding keyframes for the
percent along path parameter. Of course I want to replace this workaround with a decent solution of
extruding the geometry along the path with the correct amount of segments for each spline knot.

Help would be very appreciated, I already searched the WWW for solutions, this is how far I came.

all the best,


Procedural_Paths_with_animated_shape.max292 KB
PFlow_Spline_Script.ms2.09 KB


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W DIGITAL's picture

nice script you continuing to

nice script
you continuing to work with it?
let me know

Anubis's picture

The creation of (any kind)

The creation of (any kind) objects is not animatable in 3ds Max, and Im not sure why you look in this direction. You already done a good job in your script, just the end stage ("extrusion") need lightly modification. Just animate the height and segments of your cylinders (not percentage along the path) using spline length property. Sorry so I have not a free time to help more right now.


my recent MAXScripts RSS (archive here)

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