[Q]uestion: export obj - how to export it based on a preset like "blender" with only one click?

I know how to manipulate the preset ini files etc. and how to export objs but I always get the popup of the obj export interface. Is there a way to avoid this?



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mambrus's picture

Hi O, well, I'm not sure

Hi O,

well, I'm not sure about this solution.

if I user this:
exportFile (maxfilepath + _fileName) #noPrompt selectedOnly:true using:(exporterPlugin.classes[16])

then I wont get the *.OBJ related settings screen, but the output doesn't look the same. It seems to me that the #noPrompt not only disables the settings screen, but also ignores all export presets of this setting screen.

So the exportFile command will export the OBJ just because the "_fileName" include the filetyp e.g. "mymodel.obj". But the common export settings for *.obj files is not what I want to get. I want to use my own settings e.g. the blender preset.

Any ideas?


jos's picture

if you use exportFile

if you use
exportFile (maxfilepath + _fileName) #noPrompt selectedOnly:true
without the using: part it will take the settings from the settings screen.
it will export automatically to the extention of your _fileName

mambrus's picture

unfortunatelly this doesn't work

Sorry, but the exported data doesn't match the data which I get if I export it manually. As I described before, the exported *.obj file (exported with "exportFile (maxfilepath + _fileName) #noPrompt selectedOnly:true") seems to use the common *.obj export settings and not the specified blender obj preset export settings.

The only way to get the right output (so far) is not to use the #noPromt, but then I get this preset setting screen, which means I can't automate it 100%.

Any solutions ... I mean, I could rewright the obj export tool and write my own geometry files - but this would be overkill ... there must be an easier approach - right?

best regards,

Ofer Zelichover's picture

Hi, Did you try using the


Did you try using the #noPrompt keyword?
exportFile #noPrompt

hOpe this helps,

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