Remove QuadMenu items with the MaxScript

There are two Corona items in the QuadMenu permanently - once removed it coming back on next 3ds Max start.

actionMan.executeAction 572340868 "7" -- Chaos Corona: Open Corona Converter
actionMan.executeAction 572340868 "6" -- Chaos Corona: Open Corona Proxy Exporter

Is there any way to have .ms in the scripts/statrup folder to remove both items from the QuadMenu on 3ds Max start?


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harumscarum's picture

looks like those tools are

looks like those tools are hardcoded in Corona installation as I removed all scripts from 3ds Max so entire QuadMedu is empty (all scripts not found), but two Corona Items are always at left-bottom quad. Renaming not helping either

both scripts found and deleted in Corona installation folder (C:\Program Files\Corona\Corona Renderer for 3ds Max\) however they are still in the QuadMenu

miauu's picture


Try this:

	quadMenu = (menuman.getViewportRightClickMenu #nonepressed).getMenu 1
	itemsCnt = quadMenu.numItems()
	for i = itemsCnt to 1 by -1 do
		itm = quadMenu.getItem i	   
		menuName = itm.gettitle()
		if menuName == "FStorm light lister" then
			quadMenu.removeItem itm	
			if menuName == "Open Corona Proxy Exporter" do quadMenu.removeItem itm

If it works, put it in maxroot/scripts/startup folder

harumscarum's picture

that worked! thank you very

that worked!
thank you very much

miauu's picture


Searching for something else I have found that in this folder:
maxRoot\scripts\Startup I have which seems to handle the Corona QuadMenu entries you are interested to remove.
So, you can try the following:
- remove the script which deletes the Quad Menu entries
- run 3dsMax - the Quad Menu entries should appear
- open the, find this addQuadMenuEntries() and add -- in front of it, so it has to look this way: -- addQuadMenuEntries(). Save the file
- run 3dsMax again. This time the Quad Menu entries should not appear.

miauu's picture

Check any of the scripts

Check any of the scripts startup folders, plugins folders for a ms. file which creates those two menus. If such a file exist just remove the lines which creates the menus.
For example, you can run grepWin to search for Open Corona Proxy Exporter in all 3dsMax folders(hidden also).

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