rename files

real simple one I cant get to work. renaming a file in external dir.

d = @"C:\Users\user\Documents\3dsMax\previews\"
NewDir = @"D:\test\Test\"
--copy file
for f in getFiles (d + "_scene.avi") do
copyFile f (NewDir + getFilenameFile f + getFilenameType f)
--rename file
Files = (NewDir + "_scene.avi")
renamefile ((getFilenameFile files) ("test.avi"))

basically I want to rename _scene.avi to test.avi.

thanks folks


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miauu's picture


You can copy and rename files with one operation:

	d = "G:\\scenes\\scenes\\"
	NewDir = "D:\\"
	--copy file
	filesArr = getFiles (d + "*_scene.max")
	format "filesArr: % \n" filesArr
	for f in filesArr do
		--	"copy and rename at the same time"
		copyFile f (NewDir + "test" + getFilenameType f)

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