Script to find the dimensions of an image

Is this even possible?

Browse to a folder, find the one jpg image inside the folder, and set the render output size to match the photo dimensions.

Then assign that jpg image to material slot #23 and # 24.



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scottparris's picture

Thank you! Works perfectly.

Thank you! Works perfectly.

scottparris's picture

That's awesome! Thank you,

That's awesome!

Thank you, but is there any way to assign the jpg as a bitmap texture and not assigned to the diffuse slot inside a standard material? I'm using the bitmap as an environment background and not a scene material.

Thank you!

miauu's picture


Run the script.
Select the jpg file.

	jpgFilePath = getOpenFileName types:"JPG(*.jpg)|*.jpg|All|*.*|"
	jpgInfo = getBitmapInfo jpgFilePath
	renderWidth = jpgInfo[3]
	renderHeight = jpgInfo[4]
	mat = standard diffuseMap:(Bitmaptexture fileName:jpgFilePath) showInViewport:true
	meditmaterials[23] = meditmaterials[24] = mat
barigazy's picture


Yes U can

meditmaterials[23] = meditmaterials[24] = environmentmap = (Bitmaptexture fileName:jpgFilePath)


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