Select different levels of layers for group (Export 3ds to Unity)

Sorry for this simple question but I don't find a solution (and sorry for my poor english).
To keep my structure of 3ds Max layers when I export this scene to Unity, I do a group by layer. In Unity, I keep the structure.
But, with my script, I do a group with only the objects the objects on the same level.

I want to do a group with the object on the same level AND the sub levels.

For example:
Layer001 : box01 --> Group layer001 (box01)
Layer002 : box02 --> Group layer002 (Group layer03 + box02)
|layer 003 : box03 --> Group layer003 (box03)

Not esay to explain... :-)

My script :
for i = 0 to layerManager.count-1 do
ilayer = layerManager.getLayer i
layerName =
(LayerManager.getLayerFromName layerName).current = true
(LayerManager.getLayerFromName layerName).select true
if selection.count > 0 then group $ name:layerName
do you know how to include the sublevels ?
Thank you,


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miauu's picture


Try this:

	nestedLayersArr = #()
	function FindNestedLayersArr obj =
		if classOf obj == MixinInterface do
			append nestedLayersArr #(obj, obj.getParent())
		numChilds = obj.getNumChildren()
		for layer = 1 to numChilds do FindnestedLayersArr (obj.getChild layer)
	function GetObjectsInLayer layer: =
		local objsArr
		layer.nodes &objsArr
	for i = 0 to layerManager.count-1 where (layer = layerManager.getLayer i).getParent() == undefined do
		nestedLayersArr = #()
		layerName =		
		FindNestedLayersArr layer
		allObjsArr = #()
		for i = 1 to nestedLayersArr.count do
			objsInnLayerArr = GetObjectsInLayer layer:nestedLayersArr[i][1]
			join allObjsArr objsInnLayerArr
		if allObjsArr.count != 0 do
			group allObjsArr name:layerName

I don't have time to clean it. :)
If it puts all groups inside one main group just ungroup the top group.

frank_sdei's picture

Great !

Ok, thanks a lot, it's great !
Have a nice day,

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