Select objects with no smoothing group

i need to do select objects which has polygons of no smoothing group.
and im very noob in maxscript.

fn selectFacesWithNoSG theObject =
polyOp.setFaceSelection theObject (for f = 1 to polyop.getNumFaces theObject where polyop.getFaceSmoothGroup theObject f == 0 collect f)
I dont know why its not working..
thank you in advance.


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miauu's picture


This works for me:

	obj = selection[1]
	facesBA = #{1..(polyop.GetNumFaces obj)}
	noSMGFacesArr = for f in facesBA where (polyop.getFaceSmoothGroup obj f) == 0 collect f
	if noSMGFacesArr.count != 0 do
		polyop.setFaceSelection obj noSMGFacesArr
x_OL's picture

I searched such feature

I searched exactly such feature - to check if all polygons has smooth groups before export. Work good in 2020. Thanks :)

miauu's picture


I am glad that the script is useful to you. :)

jahman's picture


he needs to select objects not faces ;)

NodesWithNoSGfaces = for obj in selection where canConvertTo obj Editable_mesh collect
	local found = false
	local tri = snapshotAsMesh obj
	for f=1 to tri.numfaces while not found where getFaceSmoothGroup tri f == 0 do
		found = true
	free tri
	if found then obj else dontCollect	
select NodesWithNoSGfaces
ratatouille's picture


Thank you man! This works great!! like charm!!

I have posted this thread expecting your replay actually.
and you make it!. you have done reading my mind becoz when i tried to find objects and i will surely look for culprit polygons with noSG. thaks.

Both script is important!!

miauu's picture


Most important is that you have working tools.

miauu's picture


Yep. My bad. :)

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