Tracking 3D objects to pixels value.?


I'm posting this to raise a question, as I am tackle one right now.

My co-worker asked me if I can give them the pixel coordinates of objects appear on screen. I've try to research, but seems it is not easy.

To explain my situation better, lets say I've rendered out a car that move from left to right of the screen. I can easily take out the x, y, z coordination from 3ds max. However what I need is a 2D coordinate of x and y of, say, the pivot of the car that appear. (say it will go from x=0,y=300 to x=1024, y=300) (Not 3d x y z )

Is there any way to export that information frame by frame straight from 3Ds max? Is there any script written? Or is there another way to do it around?

Thank you friends and good luck.
Nguyen Hoang Ha


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visualizer's picture



do u want all run-time co-ordinates in only X & Y?
I guess try blender tracker. I am just exploring it to me I think its a versatile one.

Hope it cliks to you

superhoha's picture

Thank you for the link. The

Thank you for the link. The script works, but in a different way than what i had in mind. The script print out the pixel coordinates of the viewport, while i want to have the pixels based on render size, for example if i render 800*600 it will only give the value in that range, regardless the size of the viewport. I tried to track the mouse cursor in 3d, and it has the same result as this script in the link you gave... im thinking to write a script, but have no idea how to start...

br0t's picture

I think MXS has builtin

I think MXS has builtin functionality to achieve this, otherwise you can give this a shot:

Never get low & slow & out of ideas

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