Trying to create a script that is called when sending file to RebusFarm


I'm trying to write a script that alerts user about certain things (regions, image size, denoising etc.) when sending my Corona (3ds max) render to RebusFarm.
I've got it mostly working but the problem is I don't know how to trigger the script when "Render with RebusFarm" is clicked.
Have you guys ever tried to do something similar? Callback would probably be the best choice but I've not found an event that triggers when starting the Farminizer.
Since RebusFarm doesn't really have a forum, I don't know where else to post this.



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jahman's picture


You can add your own menu item that will check scene validity and then start farminizer

macroScript CustomRebusStart
tooltip:"Check scene and start Rebus"
	fn checkSceneValidity = 
		-- do some checks here
		messageBox "Scene is valid for rendering\nPress to start Farminizer..." 
		return true
	local validScene = checkSceneValidity()
	if validScene do "Rebus" "RebusFarminizer"
-- below script is a part of that is located here: %appdata%\Local\Autodesk\3dsmax\*maxversion*\ENU\scripts\startup\rebus
-- if menuMan.registerMenuContext 0x76f128b0 then -- I commented this out because it will prevent you from adding anything to Rendering menu
	mnu_render = undefined
	mnu_arr = #("&Rendering", "&Rendern", "&Rendu", "\xe6\xb8\xb2\xe6\x9f\x93\x28\x26\x52\x29", "\xe3\x83\xac\xe3\x83\xb3\xe3\x83\x80\xe3\x83\xaa\xe3\x83\xb3\xe3\x82\xb0\x28\x26\x52\x29", "\xeb\xa0\x8c\xeb\x8d\x94\xeb\xa7\x81\x28\x26\x52\x29")
	for r in mnu_arr do
		local mn = MenuMan.findMenu r
		if mn != undefined then
			mnu_render = mn
	if mnu_render != undefined then
		mnuItm_action = MenuMan.createActionItem "CustomRebusStart" "Jahman"
		if mnuItm_action != undefined then
			mnuItm_action.setUseCustomTitle true
			mnuItm_action.setTitle "Check and Render with RebusFarm..."
			mnu_render.addItem mnuItm_action 2
			messagebox "Could not add RebusManager to your Rendermenu, please go to \"Customize User Interface\" and select it from the category \"Rebus\"" title:"Rebus Farminizer"	
		messagebox "Could not add RebusManager to your Rendermenu, please go to \"Customize User Interface\" and select it from the category \"Rebus\"" title:"Rebus Farminizer"	

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