XForm Center Position

Question is how can i move xform center at the corners of xform gizmo object (bounding box) but to no affect gizmo position (gizmo need to stay in place)
I've start with this example

 obj = Sphere()
 xmod = XForm()
 addModifier obj xmod
 fn moveModyCenter mody pos = 
 	mody.gizmo.pos = mody.center = [0,0,0]
 	mody.center = -((mody.gizmo.pos) += pos)
 moveModyCenter xmod (getModContextBBoxMin obj xmod)

Works in some cases.
I'm almost finished the script but now i have a problem when change position and orientation of modifier gizmo. Then the center goes outside gizmo and markers also
This is my last try

obj = Sphere radius:30 segs:4 smooth:off pos:[20,-20,50] dir:[.5,.8,.4] xray:on 
 xmod = xform name:"XFormResize"
 xmod[2][3].track = ScaleXYZ ()
 addModifier obj xmod
 xholder = attributes "XFR" 
 	local obj, mody, ratios = #(1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0)
 	fn getMody =  (custAttributes.getOwner this)
 	fn getNode =  (refs.dependentnodes (getMody()))
 	fn getSize o m = ((getModContextBBoxMax o m) - (getModContextBBoxMin o m))
 	fn moveModyCenter mody pos = 
 		mody.gizmo.pos = mody.center = [0,0,0]
 		mody.center = -((mody.gizmo.pos) += pos)
 	fn setScaleVal o m val spnSize: spnScale: rat: unif: axis: =
 		local size = case axis of (
 			(1): (getSize o m).x
 			(2): (getSize o m).y
 			(3): (getSize o m).z
 		if unif then 
 			spnSize[1].value = abs(size * val/100)
 			spnSize[2].value = spnSize[1].value/rat[1]
 			spnSize[3].value = spnSize[1].value/rat[2]
 			spnScale[1].value = val/rat[1]
 			spnScale[2].value = val/rat[2]
 		else (spnSize[1].value = abs(size * val/100))
 	fn setSizeVal o m val spnScale: spnSize: rat: unif: axis: =
 		local size = case axis of (
 			(1): (getSize o m).x
 			(2): (getSize o m).y
 			(3): (getSize o m).z
 		if unif then 
 			spnScale[1].value = (val / size) * 100
 			spnScale[2].value = spnScale[1].value/rat[1]
 			spnScale[3].value = spnScale[1].value/rat[2]
 			spnSize[1].value = val/rat[1]
 			spnSize[2].value = val/rat[2]
 		else (spnScale[1].value = (val / size) * 100)
 	fn collectBBPoints o m idx: =
 		local minVal = (getModContextBBoxMin o m)*m.gizmo.scale
 		local maxVal = (getModContextBBoxMax o m)*m.gizmo.scale
 		local BBPoints = #(
 			[minVal.x, minVal.y, maxVal.z], [(maxVal.x+minVal.x)/2, minVal.y, maxVal.z], [maxVal.x, minVal.y, maxVal.z], \
 			[minVal.x, minVal.y, (maxVal.z+minVal.z)/2], [(maxVal.x+minVal.x)/2, minVal.y, (maxVal.z+minVal.z)/2], \
 			[maxVal.x, minVal.y, (maxVal.z+minVal.z)/2], [minVal.x, minVal.y, minVal.z],	[(maxVal.x+minVal.x)/2, minVal.y, minVal.z], \
 			[maxVal.x, minVal.y, minVal.z], [minVal.x, (maxVal.y+minVal.y)/2, maxVal.z], [(maxVal.x+minVal.x)/2, (maxVal.y+minVal.y)/2, maxVal.z], \
 			[maxVal.x, (maxVal.y+minVal.y)/2, maxVal.z], [minVal.x, (maxVal.y+minVal.y)/2, (maxVal.z+minVal.z)/2], \
 			[(maxVal.x+minVal.x)/2, (maxVal.y+minVal.y)/2, (maxVal.z+minVal.z)/2], [maxVal.x, (maxVal.y+minVal.y)/2, (maxVal.z+minVal.z)/2], \
 			[minVal.x, (maxVal.y+minVal.y)/2, minVal.z], [(maxVal.x+minVal.x)/2, (maxVal.y+minVal.y)/2, minVal.z], [maxVal.x, (maxVal.y+minVal.y)/2, minVal.z], \
 			[minVal.x, maxVal.y, maxVal.z], [(maxVal.x+minVal.x)/2, maxVal.y, maxVal.z], [maxVal.x, maxVal.y, maxVal.z], \
 			[minVal.x, maxVal.y, (maxVal.z+minVal.z)/2], [(maxVal.x+minVal.x)/2, maxVal.y, (maxVal.z+minVal.z)/2], [maxVal.x, maxVal.y, (maxVal.z+minVal.z)/2], \
 			[minVal.x, maxVal.y, minVal.z], [(maxVal.x+minVal.x)/2, maxVal.y, minVal.z], [maxVal.x, maxVal.y, minVal.z]
 		if idx == #all then BBPoints else BBPoints[idx]
 	fn showPointsInView =
 		local m = getMody()
 		local o = (getNode())[1]
 		local pntCoords = collectBBPoints o m idx:#all
 		for i = 1 to pntCoords.count do
 			markPos = pntCoords[i]*o.transform
 			--txt = i as string
 			--txtPos = markPos+[0.5,0.5,0]
 			gw.Marker markPos #smallCircle color:(green)
 			gw.Text (markPos+[0.5,0.5,0]) (i as string) color:[150, 255, 10]
 			gw.enlargeUpdateRect #whole
 	parameters main rollout:params (
 		--sizeVals type:#floatTab tabSize:3 tabSizeVariable:true
 		--scaleVals type:#floatTab tabSize:3 tabSizeVariable:true
 		sizeX type:#worldUnits animatable:true ui:sizeX 
 		sizeY type:#worldUnits animatable:true ui:sizeY 
 		sizeZ type:#worldUnits animatable:true ui:sizeZ 
 		scaleX type:#float animatable:true ui:scaleX 
 		scaleY type:#float animatable:true ui:scaleY 
 		scaleZ type:#float animatable:true ui:scaleZ
 		uniform type:#boolean ui:uniformS default:off
 		on uniform set val do 
 			if val do 
 				ratios = #(scaleX/scaleY, scaleX/scaleZ, scaleY/scaleX, scaleY/scaleZ, scaleZ/scaleX, scaleZ/scaleY)
 				format "%\n" ratios
 	rollout params "Parameters" 
 		label lbl1 "			  Gizmo Settings" pos:[2,5] style_sunkenedge:true width:157 height:18
 		label lbl2 "	 Size:				  Scale:" pos:[3,25]
 		spinner sizeX "X: " fieldwidth:65 range:[0.01,1e9,1] pos:[2,40] type:#worldUnits
 		spinner scaleX "" fieldwidth:58 range:[-1e5,1e5,100] pos:[90,40] controller:((getMody())[2][3][1].track)
 		spinner sizeY "Y: " fieldwidth:65 range:[0.01,1e9,100] pos:[2,60] type:#worldUnits
 		spinner scaleY "" fieldwidth:58 range:[-1e5,1e5,100] pos:[90,60] controller:((getMody())[2][3][2].track)
 		spinner sizeZ "Z: " fieldwidth:65 range:[0.01,1e9,1] pos:[2,80] type:#worldUnits 
 		spinner scaleZ "" fieldwidth:58 range:[-1e5,1e5,100] pos:[90,80] controller:((getMody())[2][3][3].track)
 		checkbox uniformS "Uniform Scale" pos:[2,100]
 		button resetS "reset all" width:67 height:18 pos:[93,98] 
 		label lbl3 "			 Center Settings" pos:[2,120] style_sunkenedge:true width:157 height:18
 		label lbl5 "BBox Points:   Show In Viewport:" pos:[3,140]
 		dropdownlist pntList "" width:68 pos:[2,156] items:(for i = 1 to 27 collect "point_"+i as string)
 		checkbutton showHide "Show" width:88 height:20 pos:[72,156] 
 		on params open do
 			obj = (getNode())[1] ; mody = getMody()
 			if mody.name != "XFormResize" do mody.name = "XFormResize"
 			local size = getSize obj mody
 			scaleX.value = mody[2][3][1].track.value
 			scaleY.value = mody[2][3][2].track.value
 			scaleZ.value = mody[2][3][3].track.value
 			sizeX.value = abs(size.x * scaleX.value/100)
 			sizeY.value = abs(size.y * scaleY.value/100)
 			sizeZ.value = abs(size.z * scaleZ.value/100)
 		on params close do
 			unRegisterRedrawViewsCallback showPointsInView
 			max views redraw 
 		on resetS pressed do 
 			local size = getSize obj mody
 			scaleX.value = scaleY.value = scaleZ.value = 100
 			sizeX.value = abs(size.x * scaleX.value/100)
 			sizeY.value = abs(size.y * scaleY.value/100)
 			sizeZ.value = abs(size.z * scaleZ.value/100)
 			ratios = #(1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0)	
 		on showHide changed state do
 			if state == on then 
 					showHide.text = "Hide"
 					unRegisterRedrawViewsCallback showPointsInView
 					registerRedrawViewsCallback showPointsInView
 					max views redraw
 				showHide.text = "Show"
 				unRegisterRedrawViewsCallback showPointsInView
 				max views redraw 
 		on pntList selected itm do 
 			local pos = collectBBPoints obj mody idx:itm
 			with redraw off moveModyCenter mody (pos*obj.transform)
 		on sizeX changed val do (setSizeVal obj mody val spnScale:#(scaleX,scaleY,scaleZ) spnSize:#(sizeY,sizeZ) rat:#(ratios[1],ratios[2]) unif:uniform axis:1)
 		on sizeY changed val do (setSizeVal obj mody val spnScale:#(scaleY,scaleX,scaleZ) spnSize:#(sizeX,sizeZ) rat:#(ratios[3],ratios[4]) unif:uniform axis:2)
 		on sizeZ changed val do (setSizeVal obj mody val spnScale:#(scaleZ,scaleX,scaleY) spnSize:#(sizeX,sizeY) rat:#(ratios[5],ratios[6]) unif:uniform axis:3)
 		on scaleX changed val do (setScaleVal obj mody val spnSize:#(sizeX,sizeY,sizeZ) spnScale:#(scaleY,scaleZ) rat:#(ratios[1],ratios[2]) unif:uniform axis:1)
 		on scaleY changed val do (setScaleVal obj mody val spnSize:#(sizeY,sizeX,sizeZ) spnScale:#(scaleX,scaleZ) rat:#(ratios[3],ratios[4]) unif:uniform axis:2)
 		on scaleZ changed val do (setScaleVal obj mody val spnSize:#(sizeZ,sizeX,sizeY) spnScale:#(scaleX,scaleY) rat:#(ratios[5],ratios[6]) unif:uniform axis:3)
 custattributes.add xmod xholder #unique
xformresize.ms7.63 KB


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Anubis's picture

am not so good in matrices...

but is it was something like this?

fn moveModyCenter obj mody pos =
	local objTM = obj.objectTransform
!REG3XP1!>	local modTM = getModContextTM obj mody
	mody.center = pos * modTM * (inverse objTM)

moveModyCenter obj mody obj.min

the "!REG3XP1!>" is not a part of the code, its a forum addition that I see many times.

my recent MAXScripts RSS (archive here)

barigazy's picture


I look at your Dimension simpleMod but as you know simpleMod is not perfect solution for rescalig. I try also with plugin modifier (extended Xform) but i can't acess manualy to gizmo and center ("+" sign in modifier panel is disappeared). I'm not good at writing scripted plugins and CA, but at least i try :)


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