apply a value contained in layer name to an object

I would like to add a fonctionnality to a little script :

In octane render (for eg )you can assign a layer ID to an object.
I would like to apply this ID if the object is in a layer which name contain a specific string :

layer name : thenameIwant - LID_2 or thenameIwant / LID_2 or thenameIwant LID_2

when running script it will set all objects in the layer the Layer ID 2.
(setUserProp $ "octane_layer_ID" 2)
when no string match it will set all objects in the layer the Layer ID 1.

if somebody help for this I could post the script on scriptspot with credit :-)


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titane357's picture

I found how to do this... If

I found how to do this...
If it can help someone :

for i = 0 to layerManager.count-1 where matchPattern (LayerManager.getLayer i).name pattern:"*LAYERID*"
local objArray = #()
layerName = (LayerManager.getLayer i).name
FST = findString layerName "LAYERID"
SB = substring layerName (FST+7) -1
Var = SB as integer
(LayerManager.getLayer i).nodes &theNodes
join objArray theNodes
for aa in objArray do (setUserProp aa "octane_layer_ID" Var)
max select none


titane357's picture

I tried to isolate the value

I achieve to extract values...
example layers :

for i = 1 to layerManager.count-1 do
ilayer = layerManager.getLayer i
layerName =
MP= matchPattern layerName pattern:"LID?"
if MP=true do
FST = findString layerName "LID"
SB = substring layerName (FST+3) 100
print SB

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